By performing in utero electroporation of RFP+ plasmids and obser

By performing in utero electroporation of RFP+ plasmids and observing the products of cell division after 24 hr, the authors found that 23% of RFP+ cells in wild-type, 10% in mInsc mutants, and more than 50% in mInsc overexpression animals, were Tbr2+ IP cells. This suggested that the changes in orientation of the mitotic spindle caused RG cells to preferentially make IP cells instead of neurons, thereby increasing the transit-amplifying population and neuron number. This study raises intriguing new questions about neocortical development

and permits alternative interpretations for the phenotype of the reported mInsc mutant mice. Although the observed increase in nonventricular 17-AAG ic50 progenitor cells in mInsc overexpression animals is most obviously due Selleck Anticancer Compound Library to increases in IP cell number, aberrant nonventricular progenitors also included those that express Pax6, a feature

usually associated with RG cells. Future studies characterizing the morphology and behavior of these nonventricular progenitor cells will help delineate whether these Pax6 and Tbr2 expressing cells are the same or different cell types. This question will be important to resolve, as the abundance of nonventricular Pax6+ progenitor cells has recently been shown to be predictive of neocortical size across species and suggested to be important in neocortical evolution (Lui et al., 2011). Analyses of the developing neocortex in humans, ferrets, and mice (Hansen et al., 2010, Fietz et al., 2010, Reillo et al., 2010, Shitamukai et al., 2011 and Wang et al., 2011) have defined a new class of neural stem cells known as oRG cells, which function as a nonventricular counterpart to RG cells and serve to further expand neuron number. Furthermore, an elegant study by Shitamukai et al. showed that removal of LGN in the mouse, which induces oblique cleavage planes in RG cells, results in the generation of nonventricular

progenitors resembling oRG cells. Because oRG cells are also thought to generate IP cells and neurons, we suggest the intriguing possibility that randomization of cleavage plane in mInsc overexpression mutants could also have L-gulonolactone oxidase the same effect, where an oblique or horizontal division results in an oRG cell, which further proliferates to generate IP cells away from the ventricle (Figure 1). Interestingly, although both LGN and mInsc control cleavage plane orientation, their mutant phenotypes are not the same. Loss of LGN induces oblique divisions and drives the formation of nonventricular RG cells, but does not drastically affect the rates of neuronal production (Konno et al., 2008 and Shitamukai et al., 2011). Overexpression of mInsc also induces oblique divisions and results in a nonventricular progenitor population. However, neuronal production is massively increased in this case, suggesting that mInsc may also be involved in controlling proliferative capacity.

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