In our view, the main challenge is to find a balance between the rapid development of tourism activities and the preservation of the authentic socio-cultural elements of the ethnic minorities that make the area attractive for tourists in the first place. This research was part of the bilateral scientific project on ‘Land-use change under impact of socio-economic
development and its implications on environmental services in Vietnam’ funded by the Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO) (Grant SPP PS BL/10/V26) and the Vietnamese Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST) (Grant 42/2009/HĐ-NĐT). Patrick Meyfroidt, Isaline Jadin, Francois Clapuyt have provided valuable suggestions for this research project. We are thankful to all ministries and institutions
in Vietnam which provided the necessary data to undertake this research. We also thank village leaders and local people in Sa Pa district for facilitating Stem Cell Compound Library the field data collection, and the anonymous reviewers for their valuable input. “
“Excess river sediments can negatively impact both water quality and quantity. Excess sediment loads have been identified as a major cause of impairment (USEPA, 2007). Excess sediment indirectly affects water quality by transporting organic substances through adhesion. Excess sediment check details has the ability to directly decrease water quality as well. These negative effects include loss of water storage in reservoirs and behind dams (Walling, 2009), altered aquatic habitat (Cooper, 1992, Wood and Armitage, 1997 and Bunn and Arthington, 2002), and altered channel capacity and flooding regimes (Knox, 2006). Often, water quality measures are addressed through the establishment of total maximum daily loads (TMDLs). Sediment currently ranks as the fifth ranking cause of TMDLs, with pathogens listed first under the Clean Water Act (USEPA, 2012). The establishment of sediment TMDLs varies by state, however, with New Jersey, the location of the present study, having zero Histone demethylase listed rivers, while neighboring Pennsylvania has over 3500 instances of impairments from
sediment listed. The TMDL sets a benchmark for water quality criteria. In order to establish a benchmark, an understanding of source of the pollutant is often necessary (Collins et al., 2012a). Identifying the source of excess river sediment is critical for mitigation efforts. A background, or natural, amount of sediment in rivers exists as fluvial systems transport water and sediment across the landscape as part of the larger hydrologic and geologic systems. Human activities, however, alter and accelerate these natural processes. Knowing the origin of the excess sediment facilitates development of proper mitigation efforts. In many cases, sediment from a watershed can be categorized as originating from shallow, surficial sources or from deeper sources.