finning bans are an important first step, but they may be ineffective at reducing overall shark mortality, as there is no evidence that global shark catch or shark fin trade is declining. Given the failure to effectively reduce the unsustainable mortality of sharks on a global scale, Nivolumab cost there appears a need for a more binding international agreement on the protection of sharks. This could be similar to what has been done for the global conservation of whales through the establishment of the International Whaling Commission [5]. In that case, a globally threatened group of large marine animals was effectively saved from extinction by imposing stringent global catch regulations, and ultimately a global moratorium on commercial whaling. If the goal was to at least partially rebuild depleted shark populations worldwide, what actions would be required? Caddy and Agnew [33] and Worm et al. [34] have discussed management options that
exist for rebuilding fish populations, and analyzed the empirical evidence for successful recovery; Ward-Paige et al. [32] recently reviewed the same issue for sharks. These authors concluded that rebuilding depleted stocks is demonstrably possible, and occurs where a number of management instruments are combined to reduce mortality to an appropriately low level [32], [33] and [34]. This level depends both on the status of the stock, and its productivity, or rebound potential [33]. As most shark populations selleck products have low productivity compared to other fish stocks, and stock status is typically
poor or unknown, the case for ensuring a large decrease in catches and the establishment of a moratorium on fishing appears strong [32] and [33]. In the absence of a complete moratorium, the rebuilding of depleted shark populations requires very stringent controls on exploitation rates, the enforcement of appropriately low mortality rates, the protection of critical habitats, monitoring, and education [32]. Such controls have been implemented with some success in parts of the United States, for example [8], but would be more difficult to enforce elsewhere [15], [19] and [35]. Given that the costs of these measures can be considerable and are currently Morin Hydrate carried by tax payers in shark fishing nations, some of this burden could be shifted to the shark fishing and fin export industries. Shark fins are a luxury product [25], which means that demand is unlikely to be curbed by modest price increases. Thus, imposing taxes on the export or import of shark fins will generate income that could be directed to these domestic shark fisheries management efforts. Another option is to focus on the most vulnerable species, particularly those that are heavily affected by the global fin trade. CITES currently protects three of the most charismatic species, the whale, basking, and white sharks.