Actual evapotranspiration is however considerably smaller than potential evapotranspiration due to dry soils. This changes towards the end of the rainy season (February, March) when soils become wet and actual evapotranspiration is similar to potential evapotranspiration. During this period with wet soils runoff is eventually generated from precipitation, but the overall amounts of runoff are still an order of magnitude smaller than the other water balance components. After the end of the rainy season in April runoff is still significant due to base flow. Actual evapotranspiration becomes larger than precipitation
– which is basically zero during the dry season from May to September – resulting in drying up of soils indicated by negative storage change. The peak in potential evapotranspiration in September and October – caused by hot, dry and windy conditions – has no direct impact on actual evapotranspiration due to lack of water. In addition to the evaluation based on visual comparisons presented in the previous section, we also report on the model performance statistics for the calibration period (1961–1990) and the Talazoparib cost independent evaluation period (1931–1960). Table 4 lists the performance
statistics for discharge simulation at key locations. At some gauges data are available only in a limited number of years during the evaluation period, but time-series are mostly complete in the calibration period. In general the model performance is high in both periods, with a few exceptions as discussed further below. In most cases the correlation is above 0.90 and the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency is above 0.80. This applies for the calibration period as well as the independent evaluation period. Even though performance statistics in Table 4 are also listed for the gauge Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II Tete, it has to be considered that the reported observed discharge data for this gauge are of limited accuracy. This mainly affects the computed bias ratio (β), but not so much temporal dynamics as measured by the computed correlation (r). In the calibration period the correlation is low (r = 0.74) because operation rules imposed on the model reflect the current situation
(as effective during the 2000s), whereas the actual historic operation of Kariba and Cahora Bassa reservoirs changed over time (see discussion in previous section). In contrast to the calibration period, the correlation between simulated and observed discharge is high (r = 0.95) in the independent evaluation period, with observed data at Tete available from 1952 to 1960. The first seven years represent undisturbed (pristine) conditions, whereas the last two years are affected by the filling of Kariba reservoir. Of greater interest than the poor bias ratio and correlation at Tete is the model performance for simulation of Zambezi discharge at Victoria Falls. Discharge data measured at this gauge are considered to be accurate – and are not affected by upstream reservoir operations.