etli chromosome), strongly suggests that otsAa was acquired by lateral transfer. All these findings agree with the proposal by González et al. [30] about an exogenous origin for R etli p42a. The role of trehalose in the osmostress response 3-MA solubility dmso has been widely demonstrated in many bacteria, including S. meliloti[5], B. japonicum[2] and R. etli[10]. In the former species, the involvement of trehalose in osmoadaptation was proposed based on three findings: (i) trehalose accumulation in the wild type was osmoregulated,
(ii) an otsA mutant was osmosensitive, and (iii) overexpression of otsA led to an increased Avapritinib osmotolerance. Our results confirm the previous result that trehalose biosynthesis in R. etli is triggered by osmotic stress. However, the otsAch mutant reported in this work was much
less affected by NaCl stress than the otsA mutant described by Suarez et al. [10]. These authors tested osmosensitivity in a glycerol minimal medium with 0.5 M NaCl during 48 h. In contrast, we found that the R. etli wild type strain could not grow above 0.2 M NaCl in B- mannitol minimal AZD5582 medium. Therefore, it is possible that the otsAch mutant described here might show an increased osmosensitivity at higher salinities. On the other hand mannitol, which was accumulated as an osmoprotectant (see Figure 4A), might have partially restored the growth of the otsAch strain when it was used as a carbon source. Notably, extracts of otsAch cells grown with mannitol contained large amounts of glutamate, which was the predominant compatible Glycogen branching enzyme solute (see Figure 4C). Thus, glutamate seems to be important for the long term adaptation of R. etli to osmotic stress, at least in the otsAch mutant strain describe here. Very interestingly, growth of the otsAch mutant was also affected in the
absence of salinity stress (see Figure 5 and Additional file 3: Figure S2), suggesting an important role of trehalose in R. etli physiology. Trehalose has been described to be essential as cell wall and membrane precursor [59], as membrane stabilizer [60], or as antoxidant [61], to give some examples. This apparent essentiality of trehalose for normal growth of R. etli deserves further investigation. A high level of trehalose accumulation is an important factor in the heat shock response in yeast [25]. In addition, bacteria such as E. coli and S. enterica serovar Typhimurium accumulate trehalose in response to heat stresses, and transcription of the otsAB genes for trehalose synthesis is thermoregulated [27, 62]. In this work, we show the relevance of trehalose for R etli tolerance to high temperature. Although, trehalose content in R.