Data management and analysis All questionnaires were completed at

Data management and analysis All questionnaires were completed at a central location and transcribed to a central JNJ-26481585 purchase database. Subjects that did not complete the questionnaires or submitted incomplete questionnaires were dropped MRT67307 in vivo from the study and not included in the study analysis (four subjects – two females from each group). Data was identified by subject number and examined for accuracy and completeness. Tabulated data was analyzed with JMP 8.0 (SAS Institute) using standard parametric paired t-tests and significance

was assessed with a two-tailed alpha level set at 0.05. Results Over the course of the 4-week supplementation period, there were no adverse events or side effects reported. There were no significant changes in body weight

or body fat percentage. At week 4, salivary cortisol exposure was significantly (p<0.05) lower (−18%) in the Relora group (Figure  1). Figure 1 Salivary Cortisol (ug/ml). Salivary cortisol was 18% lower (p<0.05) in the Relora group compared to Placebo at Week 4 (0.525+0.190 to 0.642+0.353). Significantly better (p<0.05) mood state indices were observed in the Relora group for Overall Stress (−11%) and Global Mood State (−11%) compared to Placebo (Figure  2). Mood State subscales (Figure  learn more 3) were significantly better (p<0.05) in the Relora group compared to Placebo at week 4; Tension (−13%), Depression (−20%), Anger (−42%), Fatigue (−31%), Confusion (−27%), and Vigor (+18%). Figure 2 Global Mood State (POMS) and Overall Stress (Yale Stress Survey). Global Mood State was 11% better (p<0.05) in the Relora group compared to Placebo (118+18 to 133+30) – lower score is a “better” Global Mood State (POMS). Overall Stress (Yale Stress Survey) was 11% lower (p<0.05) in the Relora group compared to Placebo (30.2+5.2 to 33.9+7.4). The global mood state was calculated based on scoring (0-4 with 0 = not at all, 2 = moderately and 4 = extremely) answers to 58 of the 65 adjectives of the POMS (a lower number

is a “better” global mood state). Global Mood State is the combined score of the 6 subscales of the POMS (McNair et al., [9]). Figure 3 Profile of Mood States (POMS). Phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase Numerical scores for each of the 6 subscales of the POMS (McNair et al., [9]). The Relora group showed significantly improved mood state parameters compared to Placebo at Week 4 (* = p<0,05). Discussion Antidepressant drugs are the most commonly prescribed class of medications in the United States and are used by athletes and non-athletes alike [24]. More than 10% of the American population is taking one or more antidepressant drugs, which represents 27 million individuals taking more than 120 million prescriptions and spending over $80 billion per year. According to a recent survey [25], large numbers of Americans feel an antidepressant drug would be helpful for; dealing with day-to-day stresses (83%); making things easier in relations with family and friends (76%); and helping people feel better about themselves (68%).

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