985 ± 3.446). The CHIR 99021 difference between the knowledge scores of the first year students and fourth year students was found to be statistically significant (p = .000). Discussion The present study investigated the nutrition knowledge of students receiving sport education in universities considering whether they took nutrition class (1st and 4th year students) and gender. Most of the participant students were
both continuing their university education and pursuing sports life in various clubs. In addition to the energy and food elements needed by regular university students, there are some extra requirements for sports type of these students. It is considered that people with inadequate knowledge of nutrition will also be unaware of additional nutrient needs. Over half of the participants (56.3%) selleckchem correctly answered the statement “”eating carbohydrates makes selleck products you fat”"
as false. In another study, the majority of males (74.0%) and females (75.0%) correctly answered the same statement. The response to the statement of carbohydrates and the relationship between carbohydrates and body fat are encouraging, as many believe that those trying to improve body composition should avoid carbohydrates [7]. The sportsmen are inclined to think that sweets would provide quick energy just before competition. This prejudice may lead to rely on candy to provide the energy that should come from complex carbohydrates. The underlying goal of eating candies before exercise is to boost energy and minimize insulin surge that transports sugar out of the bloodstream into the muscles. Simple sugars induce high insulin, and when used before exercise, this can lower the blood sugar and elicit the fatigue as well as lightheadedness associated with hypoglycemia [11, 12]. A big proportion
of the students (72.3%) correctly answered the statement “”basic sugars like cube sugar, jam, and honey are the most suitable energy sources for sportsmen”" as false. Carbohydrates are the source of muscle energy followed PLEKHB2 by fats and proteins, whereas vitamins, minerals, and water are also essential for health but do not provide energy [13]. It is important for athletes to consume enough carbohydrates to maintain blood glucose and to replace glycogen stores [14, 15]. Over half of the participants (61.2%) correctly answered the statement “”glycogen muscles store carbohydrate”". In a study carried out by Juzwiak and Ancona-Lopez [10], an important part of the participants (74.0%) gave correct answers to the statement “”glycogen levels (stored carbohydrate) can affect the energy level available for exercise”". The majority of the participant students (77.8%) answered the statement “”protein is the main energy source for the muscle”" as false. In the previous studies on this matter, the rates of people with correct knowledge changed between 28.0% and 54.0% [7, 8, 10, 16]. The athletes should be informed about the fact that proteins are not the main energy source for the muscles.