Wild type

Wild type growth rates were restored upon complementation (data not shown). Resistance complementation Plasmids pME26 and pME27 were constructed for complementation of the deletion mutants. Both plasmids contained the SA1665 orf along with its own promoter and transcriptional terminator. Strains ΔCHE482, ΔZH37, and ΔZH73 were complemented with pME26, and intrinsically kanamycin resistant strain ΔZH44 was complemented with pME27. Wild check details type-like resistance

levels were restored in all mutants by introduction of the complementing plasmids, as shown by gradient plates (Figure 3A). Transcriptional analyses Primer extension, using the 5′-biotinylated primer me97, identified two AZD0156 mw potential SA1665 transcriptional start sites (TSS), 76-nt and 139-nt upstream of the SA1665 ATG start codon (Figure 4A). Predicted σA promoter consensus -10/-35 box sequences were located upstream of both TSS (Figure 4B). Identical TSS were also identified using the downstream primer me98 (data not shown). Figure 4 Primer extension analysis of SA1665. A, Lanes A, C, G, T show the dideoxy-terminator Baf-A1 sequencing ladder and lane RT the reverse transcription products obtained using primer me97. Two potential transcriptional start sites (TSS) were identified, as indicated by arrows (◀). B, Sequence of the SA1665 promoter region. TSS

(+1) are shown in bold, putative -10 and -35 promoter sequences are underlined, the predicted ribosome binding site (rbs) is framed and the translational start (ATG) of SA1665 is highlighted in grey. Northern blot analysis was used to investigate SA1665 expression and the influence of SA1665 deletion on mecA and mecR1 transcription. RNA samples Progesterone taken from different time points over the growth curve of CHE482 showed that SA1665

was expressed strongly in early exponential phase at OD600 nm 0.25 and 0.5, then transcript levels decreased and were almost undetectable in early stationary phase at OD600 nm 4.0 (Figure 5A). In addition to the main transcript of ~0.46 kb, a weaker, larger transcript of ~0.6 kb was also visible, especially at later growth stages. Figure 5B shows the transcriptional behaviour of SA1665 when CHE482 cells were challenged with sub-inhibitory (4 μg/ml) and inhibitory (120 μg/ml) concentrations of cefoxitin. These results showed that low levels of cefoxitin, such as those used to induce mecA/mecR1 transcription, appeared to slightly decrease SA1665 transcription after 30 min exposure, while larger, inhibitory concentrations caused even more significant alterations in the SA1665 transcriptional profile, making it similar to that normally seen in stationary phase growth. These results indicate that transcription of SA1665 may respond in some way to cell wall stress, rather than in direct response to the presence of β-lactams.

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