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“Introduction For most people, and for most patients with a disease, work remains an important part of life. However, research consistently finds that due to disease, a segment of the patient population does not return to work. The consequences of work disability for patients with chronic diseases include financial difficulties, increased social isolation, decreased confidence and self-esteem and stress. Moreover, it has been shown that once people have been off work for considerable time, they are not likely to return to work. For this Smoothened reason, more attention is being paid to prevent work disability. There is increasing evidence that psychological factors play an important role in

the course of the chronic disease process. In recent years, research concerning chronic diseases suggested that self-regulatory processes play an important role in mediating between disease and health and work outcomes (Leventhal et al. 1997). When patients are diagnosed with a disease, they develop an organized pattern of beliefs about their health condition (Petrie and Weinman 2006). These beliefs are called illness perceptions and they determine patients’ future behavior concerning managing the disease. Disease refers to another dimension than illness, namely disease is an objective, medically diagnosed health condition that may lead to disability and incapacity to work. Illness is a subjective feeling of being unwell that is not necessarily accompanied by the diagnosed health condition, but equally may lead to incapacity to work (Waddell et al. 2007).

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