156 Since SSRIs and serotonin appear to modulate critical time period-like
plasticity in mice, it is possible that exposure to SSRIs during early stages of human development could lead to modifications in developmental plasticity in humans. This hypothesis has recently been tested using a paradigm that probes sensitive periods in human language development. Infants with gestational exposure to SSRIs exhibited a more mature pattern of language discrimination than non-exposed infants,157 suggesting that in utero SSRI exposure accelerates the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical closure of a critical time period in the speech perception system. Interestingly, maternal depression appeared to have the opposite effect by inducing a delay in the maturation of language discrimination.157 Conclusions Current translational research has revealed novel roles for the serotonin system in regulating the formation of cortical circuits and modulating Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical plasticity during critical time periods of development. This has provided new insights on the impact of early-life serotonin programming in determining the risk for a wide range Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of behavioral phenotypes ranging from
stress-related dimensions to alterations in social domains. Genetic studies in humans have revealed that serotonin-related gene variants interact with early-life stress and modulate activation of neural circuits involved in mood and anxiety disorders as well as HPA axis responsiveness to stressors. Vulnerability or resilience to the detrimental consequences of early-life stress is likely to depend on the complex interactions between early-life adversity and serotonin-related genetic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical variants. In addition, data demonstrates a novel level of UMI-77 mouse transcriptional regulation Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical suggesting that early-life stress modifies the methylation status of serotonin-related genes. Further work is needed to explore the impact of early-life stress on these novel epigenetic targets and its consequences on neural circuit activation patterns and psychiatric-relevant
dimensions. Finally, the discovery that SSRIs can reinstate juvenile-like forms of neural plasticity, GBA3 in conjunction with behavioral learning, is providing new insights on the biological mechanisms and clinical applications of antidepressants. Acknowledgments This work was supported by a Swiss National Foundation grant (PP00P3_128379) and the NCCR Synapsy grant. Selected abbreviations and acronyms SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor 5-HT serotonin SERT serotonin transporter MAOA monoamine oxidase A CR Cajal-Retzius HPA hypothalamic-pituitary axis
Depression is a widespread, devastating illness, affecting approximately 17% of the population at some point in life, resulting in enormous personal suffering and economic loss.