, 2009, Han et al , 2007 and Wenzel et al , 2007) This extent an

, 2009, Han et al., 2007 and Wenzel et al., 2007). This extent and incidence of cardiomyopathy was not recorded in Study 1, although calcification of the Belnacasan heart was also observed in some mice. The body weight of male sham-exposed

mice increased during the first 12 months of the inhalation period and tended to be constant until the end of the 18-month inhalation period (Fig. 1). A clear MS concentration–response effect was observed in the first months of the inhalation period. The body weight of the MS-150 and MS-300 groups was approximately 90% of that the sham-exposed group at the end of the inhalation period, similar to that observed in Study 1. For female mice, the body weight development of the sham-exposed group and the MS-75 group were very similar with maximal body weight differences of 5%. The body weights of female MS-150 and MS-300 groups decreased during the first 5 weeks of the inhalation period to approximately 88% of that of the sham-exposed group and later increased to a level of approximately 95% of that of the sham-exposed group, with maximal differences of 3% amongst them between exposure months 7 and 14. Lungs were weighed with trachea and larynx attached. With increasing MS concentration, weights increased similarly in both Studies 1 and 2, and the effect was statistically significant for the MS-300 groups in comparison to sham control (Fig.

2). There was no sex difference. Absolute Ixazomib order heart weights did not change with MS inhalation in Study 2, however, heart weights relative to body weight were found to be statistically significantly increased in the male MS-300 and the female MS-150 and -300 groups (data not shown). On the larynx, statistically significantly higher incidences of discolored

foci were observed in the MS-300 groups of both sexes. On the lungs, the incidence however of various macroscopic observations, such as diffuse discoloration, discolored foci, grey-white nodules within the parenchyma, and discoloration of bronchial lymph nodes, was statistically significantly increased in the MS-150 and/or MS-300 groups of both sexes. Also, hernia of the diaphragm was statistically significantly increased in the female MS-300 group. Of the hematological parameters investigated, erythrocyte count, hematocrit, hemoglobin content and parameters derived thereof were increased by up to 32% in both sexes in an MS concentration-dependent manner (data not shown). No effects were observed for white blood cells and platelets. The nasal cavity and the larynx have been the target organs for neoplastic changes in previous long-term MS inhalation studies with rats (Mauderly et al., 2004), mice (Hutt et al., 2005), and hamsters (Bernfeld et al., 1979 and Dontenwill et al., 1973). The respective epithelia were, therefore, carefully histopathologically examined at various section levels.

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