[32, 33] In light of our current findings in CBDL mice, it is tempting to speculate that these species differences may be, at least in part, related to differences in metabolism and transport of BAs.[34] In addition, this selleck chemicals may also represent a BA concentration issue because we did not observe cholemic nephropathy in 8-week 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC)-fed and 8-week multidrug-resistance protein 2 (Mdr2)−/− mice with sclerosing cholangitis and biliary type of
liver fibrosis, which, however, show lower serum BA levels (data not shown).[20] Though the degree of liver injury, ductular reaction, and fibrosis in CBDL, DDC-fed, and Mdr2−/− mice may be more or less comparable, serum BA levels are 5-fold (versus 8-week DDC) and up to 94-fold (versus Mdr2−/−) higher in CBDL mice.[35] In addition, differences in the temporal dynamics of rising serum BA levels may come into play with a sudden increase in CBDL mice (i.e., a 40-fold increase within 24 hours), whereas serum BA www.selleckchem.com/products/chir-99021-ct99021-hcl.html levels rise continuously and slowly in DDC-fed mice with normal serum BA levels even after 4 weeks.[36] Because the observed kidney phenotype is specific for CBDL mice with the far highest SBA levels among the tested models, it is tempting to hypothesize that BAs may represent an important trigger for the observed renal
pathology in CBDL mice.[37, 38] Of interest, 3-day CBDL FXR−/− mice, which were previously shown to have high urinary BA levels 3 days after surgery, but which, later, excrete mainly polyhydroxylated/nontoxic BAs,[28] showed tubular injury after 3-day CBDL, but were protected from renal fibrosis in the long-term course. Taken
together, these findings argue for the critical role of BAs in the development of renal tubular epithelial injury. This concept is further supported by the protective effects of pretreatment of CBDL mice with hydrophilic norUDCA (Supporting Fig. 5), which is extensively excreted by the urinary route.[29] However, alternative pathogenetic this website factors, such as the production of vasoactive endothelin-1 by reactive cholangiocytes[39] or activation of Toll-like receptor pathways through increased gut permeability and bacterial translocation,[40] together with pronounced elevation of alternatively renal-excreted cholephiles, such as BAs, need to be considered and have to be studied in detail in the future. The association between jaundice and renal failure was first described in 1911 and is a well-known clinical phenomenon with still unresolved underlying mechanisms.[41-43] Jaundiced patients undergoing invasive procedures are at markedly increased risk of renal dysfunction.[7, 8] Morphological studies revealed severe alterations of renal tubules in patients with acute obstructive jaundice[4] previously referred to as cholemic nephropathy.[9] In addition, cholestatic liver diseases are associated with progressive tubulointerstitial nephropathy in early childhood.