APOBEC3A APOBEC3B APOBEC3C APOBEC3F A. a substitution 2 11 23 5 PTM 0 7 13 4 Indel 0 0 0 0 Note that APOBEC 3D and 3G are not listed because their human-chimpanzee orthology is ambiguous. Notably, the mutations in the cytidine deaminase domain are considered responsible for the host-retrovirus PPIs and the host-range specificities of retroviruses [35–37]. It is evident that the APOBEC3 members have
experienced very different evolutionary paths in this domain. As shown in Table 4, APOBEC3B and 3C have obviously diverged more than 3A and 3F both in terms of the number of amino acid substitutions and the number of potential PTM changes. It is therefore speculated that APOBEC 3B/3C may have played an important role in the divergence of hominoid immune responses against retroviruses. Nevertheless, the changes in 3A and 3F, though www.selleckchem.com/products/dinaciclib-sch727965.html not as drastic, check details can also have functional effects. Functional studies are required to unravel the biological implications of these changes. Also noteworthy is that no indels are found in the cytidine deaminase domain in all of the four proteins, suggesting strong negative selection on indels in spite of the increased substitution rate in this domain. Example 3 The interaction between human Vpr binding protein (VPRBP) with the HIV-1 Vpr accessory protein is known to be critical for HIV-1 infection ([38]. Inspection of the multiple amino acid sequence alignment of VPRBP reveals that the mouse sequence
Adenosine triphosphate is shorter than those of the hominoids by nearly 100 amino acid residues
at the C-terminus. The C-terminal half of VPRBP has a proline-rich domain and a number of Phe-x-x-Phe repeats, which serves as the Vpr binding domain [39]. Consequently, it is speculated that the loss of the C-terminal amino acids in mouse VPRBP may have certain effects on the Vpr-VPRBP binding affinity. This difference should be experimentally verified, and if proven true, should be taken into account in mouse-based HIV-1 studies. Discussion Here we present the first web-based interactive tool for comparative studies of host-HIV interactions in four different model animals. The interface may provide new insights into HIV studies. Firstly, although mouse is an excellent model for HIV studies, considering the large genetic divergences that occur in protein domains between human and mouse as shown here, many of the host-HIV protein interactions are expected to differ between the two species. Therefore, the differences in genetic backgrounds must be controlled for appropriate interpretations of mouse-based HIV studies. Secondly, human viral infections transmitted from other species have become a critical issue because humans usually lack the immunological arsenal to fight such viruses [2, 40–42]. Comparative studies of host-virus interactions provide a path to understand the possible mechanisms of how viruses break species boundary into humans, and why they cause pathological conditions in humans but rarely do so in other animals.