After obtaining the list of all SBAIT members in December 2010, w

After obtaining the list of all SBAIT members in December 2010, we identified all manuscripts they authored after 2003 (2004 to 2010). To determine whether any significant changes occurred, we performed a similar search for the same number of years, but prior to 2003, thus from 1997 to 2003. The manuscripts were retrieved from PubMed (http://​www.​pubmed.​com), Scielo (http://​www.​scielo.​org), the open-access online web curriculum vitae Plataforma Lattes (http://​www.​lattes.​cnpq.​br) commonly used by Brazilian investigators

and a general search at Google (http://​www.​google.​com.​br). Data collection selleck was performed in February 2011. The manuscripts were classified as trauma when the focus was clearly on this area, or otherwise as non-trauma. For the few manuscript

where the focus was uncertain, the classification was decided by consensus. The manuscripts authored by more than one SBAIT member were counted only once. Considering our goal of investigating the scientific production in Brazil, the manuscripts authored by SBAIT members that were done overseas and published in non-Brazilian journals were excluded. To evaluate the quality of the manuscripts and identify the journals favored by the Brazilian investigators, we gathered the name of the Journal, year of publication and the Impact Factor (IF) as calculated by the Thompson Web of Knowledge (Institute for Scientific Information – ISI) [11]. The first analysis aimed at studying the variations in the number of published papers before and after 2003, the OSI-906 chemical structure year residency Ibrutinib order in trauma surgery was abolished. To this end, we tabulated the number of all publications and of all publications in trauma as well as the name of the Journals and their yearly Impact Factor since 1997. We then performed a simple comparison of the number of publications before and after 2003 and the Impact Factor of the journals. To characterize the SBAIT members most successful in publishing in trauma, the authors were separated according to: 1. the place (state) of

residence at the time of the publication; 2. the number of publications; 3. year of graduation from learn more medical School and 4. whether they had graduate studies overseas. The year of graduation and overseas training was obtained from the open publicaly available online web CV Plataforma Lattes (http://​www.​lattes.​cnpq.​br). Next we analyzed the association between years of graduation and number of publications, as well as whether overseas training resulted in sustained increase in scientific production. The papers published during the overseas training were not included in the present analysis. The statistical analysis used mean/median, standard deviation and maximum/minimum values for the numeric variables. The Spearman correlation was used to analyze the variation in the total number of publications, year of publication and Impact Factor.

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