Although solvent PREs

have never been used to characteriz

Although solvent PREs

have never been used to characterize RNP complexes, it is conceivable that they could restrict the conformational space of the complex by defining buried and solvent accessible surfaces both for the protein and RNA components. In Sirolimus purchase the past decade, the power of interdisciplinary approaches has been recognized in all scientific fields. Structural biology is not an exception: coordinated initiatives, such as the INSTRUCT project of the European Commission, aim at disseminating expertise access points throughout the territory, where high-end structural biology techniques are available to non-expert scientists together with the appropriate technical help. Indeed, the potential of combining information at different resolutions, stemming from complementary or partially overlapping data, is enormous, especially

in structural studies of challenging systems. In the past, high-molecular-weight particles were investigated at high-resolution exclusively by X-ray crystallography; today, the impressive progresses in NMR spectroscopy discussed in DNA Damage inhibitor the previous section have broken the size-boundaries of solution-state NMR and have made us adventure in the study of objects of several hundreds of kDa. The price we pay for this is a much-reduced amount of distance restraints, which allows the determination of the complex structure only in combination with additional structural information. As discussed above, the low number of distance restraints can be compensated for by using fixed, pre-existing structures of sub-components of the complex. ID-8 This strategy works well for proteins, but might fail for the RNA parts, due to the capability of RNA to assume

diverse conformations in dependence of the environment or the presence of cognate proteins. In the previous sections I have reviewed some methods to obtain local (lr-AID) or medium-range (PRE) structural information on RNA as part of RNP complexes. However, as the complex size grows, and with it the size of the RNAs, long-range distances, defining the relative position of RNA secondary structure elements, become necessary. This data can be optimally obtained with techniques such as Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) or Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). Both methods yield distance restraints between reporter tags that need to be engineered at specific positions in the RNA. FRET measures the non-radiative dipole–dipole interaction between two fluorophores, which results in a transfer of energy from the excited donor fluorophore (at higher energy) to the acceptor fluorophore (at lower energy). The energy transfer efficiency is proportional to the inverse sixth power of the distance between the donor and acceptor fluorophores under the assumption of low fluorescence anisotropy.

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