At the time of evaluation, increased body mass index (BMI) IWR-1-endo mouse was observed in 35% of patients, with 20% being obese; 26% had
diabetes and 21% uncontrolled hypertension. Although 91% of patients were on statins, no measurement of low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol was available in the previous 6 months in 27% of patients and 16% had no knowledge of any lipid parameter in the same period. In the remaining patients, LDL was <100 mg dl(-1) in 57% and <70 mg dl(-1) in 20% of them. From the time of index event to interview, prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension remained stable, from 24% to 21% of patients; according to the patients’ self-reporting, smoking had declined from 32% to 13% of patients and physical inactivity from 43% to 33% of patients.
Conclusions: This survey shows, in a large national cohort, a suboptimal implementation of lifestyle changes and inadequate lipid control
in patients at high cardiovascular risk after a cardiovascular event. Reinforcement of patients and physicians, implementation and adherence to guidelines is needed to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Study Design. A cross-sectional study of neck pain and its related aspects in a sample of Greek urban population (15-65 years).
Objective. To estimate the prevalence of neck pain in a Greek urban population (15-65 years) and to study the association of neck pain with several socioeconomic and demographic characteristics.
BTK inhibitors library of Background Data. The results of several prevalence studies carried out in different populations indicate a high frequency of neck pain in the general population. Socioeconomic and demographic factors are likely to influence neck pain frequency and neck pain-associated burden.
Methods. A 1000-person sample of the general Greek population (15-65 years) living in the Greek capital and other urban centers of the country was selected by multiple-stage sampling, with definition of sample quotas based on demographic characteristics. AS1842856 ic50 Data on neck pain and its related aspects, including healthcare utilization, as well as demographic, socioeconomic, and employment data, were collected through personal interviews.
Results. Of the 204 individuals who reported neck pain during the last month, 35 (17.2%) consulted a physician, 72 (35.3%) received medication, and 15 (7.4%) stayed in bed for some time, during this period and because of neck pain. The mean duration of pain for individuals who reported neck pain during the last month was 12 days. A total of 8.6% of working individuals who experienced neck pain during the last month reported work absenteeism due to this pain, during this period; the mean duration of absence was 4.6 days. Neck pain frequency was related to several sociodemographic factors.