BIIB021 showed no effect on c Jun phosphorylation

Cell inoculation with H1N1 evoked a significant induction in RANTES accumulation accompanied with time related increase in nuclear translocation of nuclear factor ?B and interferon regulatory factor 3, but showed no effect on c Jun phosphorylation. 8 P? could BIIB021 significantly inhibit not only RANTES production, but also NF kappaB and IRF 3 nuclear translocation. 6.2. Toddalia asiatica. Toddalia asiatica belongs to family Rutaceae, a woody liana, found in mainly Philippines and southern China. It is a large, spiny, woody vine, which is pungent in all its parts and possesses sharp recurved prickles. The leaves are trifoliolate. The leaflets are stalkless, ovate elliptic, 3 to 8 centimeters long, 5 to 15 millimeters wide, rounded at the base, and pointed at the apex. The flowers are small, greenish white, 5 millimeters across, and borne on terminal cymes or from the upper leaf axils.
The fruit is small, nearly spherical, less than 1 centimeter in diameter, borne in fairly large clusters, 3 to 5 grooved, and with as many cells, and orange MGCD-265 red when ripe. The seed is solitary in each cell. T. asiatica is used traditionally in the treatment of malaria, sprains, cough, fever, neuralgia, epilepsy, dyspepsia, and other disease conditions. Extracts of the plant have been reported to have anticancer, antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifeedant activities. A wide range of chemical constituents such as benzophenanthridine alkaloids, coumarins, cyclohexylamides, and terpenoids have been isolated especially from the root bark of the plant. The essential oil from the plant is a highly potent antimicrobial agent. 6.3. Schefflera heptaphylla, Chinese Herbal Tea.
Schefflera heptaphylla belongs to the family Scarabaeoidea. Leaves are palmately compound, rarely unifoliolate, margins entire to serrate, stipules united within petiole. Inflorescence is a terminal or pseudolateral panicle or compound raceme, flowers arranged in umbels, heads, or racemes, bracts pubescent, deciduous, or persistent. Pedicels are not articulate below ovary. Calyx rim is entire or 5 toothed. Petals are arranged 5 1, d are valvate. It is a critically endangered species. It is polyphyletic. ?Frodin is the principal ingredient of a herbal tea formulation that is widely used for the treatment of common cold in Southern China. An extract of the long leafstalk of the compound leaf of S. heptaphylla exhibited the most potent antiviral activity against respiratory syncytial virus.
Triterpenoids, namely, 3alpha hydroxylup 20 ene 23,28 dioic acid and 3 epi betulinic acid 3 O sulfate, together with an inactive saponin, 3alphahydroxylup 20 ene 23,28 dioic acid 28 O alpha lrhamnopyranosyl O beta d glucopyranosyl beta d glucopyranoside are present in the plant. Three caffeoylquinic acid derivatives, namely 3,4 di Ocaffeoylquinic acid, 3,5 di O caffeoylquinic acid, and 3 O caffeoylquinic acid, were also isolated from this plant. These compounds were tested for their activity against Respiratory Syncytial virus. Studies revealed that they exerted their anti RSV effects via the inhibition of virus cell fusion in the early stage, and the inhibition of cell cell fusion at the end of the RSV replication cycle. 6.4. Camellia sinensis or Green Tea.

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