Despite the larger nuclear electric quadrupole moment of 83Kr (Q = 25.9 fm2) compared to 131Xe (Q = −11.4 fm2) [16], the xenon isotope typically experiences faster quadrupolar driven relaxation under similar conditions due to it’s larger and more easily distortable electron cloud and its smaller nuclear spin value.
Because the T1 for 131Xe in the solid phase is extremely short (at 77 K a T1 slightly above 1 s was observed [17]), freezing the hp-noble gas at liquid nitrogen temperatures – a method frequently used for 129Xe separation from the SEOP buffer gases 4He and N2 [71] and [72] – would completely destroy the non-equilibrium 131Xe polarization. Therefore, cryogenic hp 131Xe concentration was not used for any of the experiments described in this work. Rather, the stopped-flow delivery method [64], [67], [68] and [69] depicted in Fig. 1 was applied to efficiently separate the Rb vapor, while avoiding strong depolarization during the gas transfer. The hp 131Xe was shuttled after 5–10 min of SEOP through transfer PD332991 tubing to the pre-evacuated detection cell through pressure-equalization as described in Section 2. Fig. 2 shows the first high field hp 131Xe NMR spectrum obtained through stopped-flow SEOP and subsequent rubidium vapor separation. The spectra of 131Xe and 129Xe obtained from thermally polarized and hyperpolarized (hp) samples are depicted in Fig. 2. The remarkable appearance of a 131Xe triplet in the gas
phase is discussed in the introduction Etofibrate and in more detail examined below (see Section 3.6). The observed linewidth for the 131Xe center transition was 0.3 Hz and was approximately constant (deviations < 0.1 Hz) for all the pressures and gas compositions used in this work. A sixfold broader linewidth of 1.8 Hz was observed for the 129Xe spectra. A 3.4-fold linewidth ratio is expected from the difference in the gyromagnetic ratios γ for the two xenon isotopes if spectral line broadening is dominated by the magnetic field inhomogeneity. Quadrupolar interactions were likely to be responsible for
the observed 131Xe differential line broadening between the 131Xe center transition and the satellite transitions. Unlike the center transition, the linewidth of the 131Xe satellite transitions increased with increasing pressure. The satellite transitions shown in Fig. 2D displayed 0.8 Hz and 0.6 Hz linewidths, respectively at higher and lower ppm values. Differential line broadening can be produced by different relaxation rates for the satellite transition compared to the center transition [73]. However, this would require that the extreme narrowing condition (τcω 0)2 ≪ 1 is violated and thus requires long correlation times τc⩾10-9s for 131Xe at magnetic fields of 9.4–14 T. The duration of binary, gas-phase collisions is on the order of a few picoseconds, and short-lived Xe–Xe van der Waals molecules have life times of around 10−10 s at 1 amagat xenon density [27].