Finally, we established the models for inside and outside commute

Finally, we established the models for inside and outside commuters separately and discussed the estimation results, respectively. 5.2. Results for Inside Commuters The estimation result for inside commuters is shown

in Table 5. Also, the total effects, direct effects, and indirect effects of exogenous variables on endogenous variables are listed in the table. The goodness-fit order enzalutamide model is provided (χ2 = 46.77, χ2/df = 2.205). The goodness of fit index (GFI) of the SEM is 0.991, which is above the recommended value 0.9, and the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) is 0.038 (<0.05), indicating these measures meet the acceptable criteria. The adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI) = 0.959 is above the recommended value 0.9. All of the indices meet the criteria. Table 5 Effects among exogenous and endogenous variables of commuters in the historic district. In the model for inside commuters, three exogenous variables (number of trips, commute trip numbers, and commute time) are incorporated to the individual and household characteristics. The total, direct,

and indirect effects of exogenous variables on endogenous variables are shown to be consistent with the existing studies [8–10]. Regarding the variable “gender,” it has a positive influence on commute trip number. With the increasing age the commute trips on workdays will be raised. It indicates that older commuters are more likely to return home at noon, which brings an increase in trips and commute trips, and “HWHWH” and “HWOH” are the main trip chains of this group. In terms of variable “occupation,” it poses a positive effect on travel mode. Table 5 also shows that the household annual income and ownership of automobiles act on travel mode positively, and it can be explained that occupation affects the income of commuters, and the high-income group is more likely to travel by automobile. The estimation result reveals that higher income commuters have more trips for entertainment after work, and most of them follow the “HWOH” trip chain. Nonetheless, the ownership of automobiles has a negative effect

on commute AV-951 time, and the reason is that the high-speed automobiles can reduce the travel time effectively. Then it comes to the variable “gender,” and many variables relating to travel characteristics (number of trips, commute trip number, travel mode, trip chain, number of trip chains, and duration of the commuting) are influenced by it in a large degree. Usually, women play a key role in daily life and a lot of chores are left to them, resulting in large increases in number of trips and home-based trip chains. Compared with the male, it takes much longer time for their noncommuting trips, and their corresponding working time and commute time are shorter. As a result, the gender “female” has a negative effect on duration of the commuting. Similarly, gender exerts a negative influence on travel mode.

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