Ents, 2nd September (brain death, 2 and 3 Sophagectomie died with severe sepsis. There is no difference existed in the serum levels of surfactant protein D base between surviving and deceased patients. In the days 1, 3 and 5 D serum were SP concentrations lower in survivors compared to those who have died. We found a correlation between decreased levels of SP-D concentration JNJ 26854165 p53 inhibitor and improved oxygenation (PaO2/FiO2 and clinical outcome. Conclusion. These results indicate that increased hte serum SP remained Level D with worse clinical outcomes and the risk of death may be connected in mechanically ventilated patients k. These observations indicate that surfactant protein D, a marker may be useful in predicting need of ALI / Vili, but further studies. Acknowledgments GRANT.
supported by grants from the Medical University of t Silesia, Katowice, Poland. PaO2/FiO2 REPORT AND 0663 Index oxygenation for 24 hours at ADMISSION as Pr predictors for mortality t in patients with ALI / ARDS Tomicic V., SGX-523 c-Met inhibitor P. Vargas, C. . Ugarte, S. Solar, Kirsten K., A. Fuentealba, R. Moreno, I. Delgado, E. Martinez, C. UPC canals le Clinica Alemana of Santiago, Facultad de Medicina Universidad del Desarrollo Clinica Alemana, Santiago, INTRODUCTION Chile. There are indications that PaO2/FiO2 ratio ratio in a position to mortality t predict in patients with acute lung injury / acute respiratory distress syndrome is (ALI / ARDS ventilated (MV. but this ratio ratio k nnte be changed by the positive expiratory pressure (PEEP application GE.
In this context, the oxygenation (OI k nnte be better than PaO2/FiO2 ratio ratio in predicting mortality than the mean airway pressure in the formula contains compare according to our criterion, PaO2/FiO2 ratio was ratio and OI may need during the first 24 hours as Pr predictor of mortality t. METHODS. All consecutive patients, the MV whose PaO2/FiO2 ratio ratio on admission was less than 300 mmHg were between September 2006 and September 2007 included. The worst value of OI and PaO2/FiO2 ratio ratio may need during the first 24 hours were achieved. demographics and disease severity were determined using the Mann-Whitney U-test. the bottle surface under the ROC curve (AUROC for PaO2/FiO2 ratio ratio and oxygenation index were compared with Hanley. McNeil test results are pr presents as mean SD, we have considered p \ 0, 05 were considered statistically significant results .
. One hundred and 21 patients examined age, APACHE II and SAPS II were: .. 6418, 207 and 4514, respectively.The overall mortality was 11% t ratio PaO2/FiO2 ratio and oxygenation index w during the first 24 hours were different between survivors (N108 and non-survivors (n 13. 22 078 14 977 and 6.53 over 0.7 to 12.811.5 (p \ .05 In addition, OI PaO2/FiO2 ratio was better than ratio in predicting mortality compared t:. AUROC: 0.73 (95% CI: 0.58 0, 87 and AUROC: 0.22 (95% CI:. 0.36 0.081 (p \ 0.001 and CONCLUSION The oxygenation index after 24 hours is more accurate in predicting mortality in PaO2/FiO2 ratio ratio ALI / ARDS. patients undergoing MV was. The OI a quick and easy way to be to predict the outcome in these patients.
S170 21st ESICM annual meeting in Lisbon, Portugal 21 September 24 2008 0664 TRACHEAL emergency intubation in critically ill patients, study of 288 patients Araujo P. Aguilar, M. Soriano, J. Manzanares, S. Yu, Mr. Jime ´ nose Lend ı ´ nose Civantos B. R. Ferna ´ Tajuelo ndez, A. Marba ´ n, E. Mart n ı ´ Rosique, Mateo Barrientos intensive care unit, HU La Paz, Madrid, Spain Introduction. The complication rate of intubation in elective conditions is low. On the other hand, the management of the airway of the patient requires the seriously ill often emergent intubation (EI under h hemodynamic failure. We examine the incidence of h hemodynamic, respiratory complications and mortality t associated with EI. METHODS. Prosprective study. of 12 months for patients with cardiac arrest were excluded, we assesed.
indication, Instrumentation and h thermodynamic Ver changes, complications and mortality, the difficulty of definitions:. EI difficult to intubate if a resident of the ICU year last or a staff intensivist couldn0 t on the first attempt intubation associated. mortality t:., the death, during the w or was within 30 minutes of the chi-square method was used for statistical analysis of results was formed n 288 patients between the sexes (190 m, F98, mean age 56 (15 87 Location of intubation: …. emergency room: 28%, in the ICU by 60%, 12% other units of the indications for EI: The work of breathing by 45%, low awareness and 39%, the mismanagement of the secretion 12.2%, 2.1% self-requests reference requests getting extubation, respiratory obstrucion 1.7% of drugs:. benzodiazepines and opioids 75%, 8% of propofol, muscle relaxants.
70% of experiments: First attempt at 81%, 8 , 4% the second, third or further 9%, 3 patients (1% emergency surgery cricothyro dotomie. difficult intubation, 31 (10.88%. 220 patients were normotensive before EI (CAS [90 mmHgand 68 hypotensive patients. In the first group 73 patient developed hypotension and two died (0.9%. In the hypertensive group, one patient died (1.4%. no significant difference in mortality