Beyond the GTV, targeting at least the entire
anatomy of the brain stem in the CTV. This margin was nkt by the limits of the anatomical structures of the brain and Sch Dels RESTRICTION. The PTV margin was a particular institution, Ki16425 Ki-16425 the patient t the setup uncertainties Possible. Doses were delivered consistently on target volumes and prescribed at the isocenter or surface Isodose surface covers the PTV. The MTD was defined as the dose at the h At most one of six patients had DLT and the n Highest h Here dose was defined to be toxic. Patients who seemed likely to benefit clinically and unacceptable toxicity Experienced th were on treatment last for years. Toxicity Th were classified according to NCI Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events scale.
DLT was neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, grade or rank, all non-h Hematological toxicity t degrees or skin, au He toxicity Defined t, the p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway toxicity of t of degree or skin, remained l singer has as tipifarnib days Despite retention and treatment with topical and oral prednisone, rash degree in an h here grade has progressed or despite treatment of symptomatic intratumoral hemorrhage or progressive asymptomatic hemorrhage, no toxicity t that required interruption of radiation therapy for several consecutive days or total number of days , or the verse umnis, sufficient toxicity f t recover rderf being hig for re-treatment with tipifarnib few weeks after the last dose of the drug. The survival was defined as the interval between the start of treatment to death or date of last contact for surviving patients.
Progression-free survival was defined as the distance between the start of treatment than tt of disease progression or worsening progressive neurological status or death in patients who have failed and the last follow-up for patients without a defined failure. Results Overall, children were enr Strips in the study from July to January. Patient characteristics are listed in the table. Three patients were evaluable for toxicity not: one patient withdrew before the start of the treatment protocol, the patient re U few days of treatment and the treatment due to disease progression and a patient re u few days of treatment and discontinued therapy due to adverse events unrelated to the study. Table lists adverse events that w DLT occurred during the observation period, were at least severity and were m Used to be probably or possibly the m May receive with tipifarnib.
T The first two patients in the starting dose mg dose twice m Possible DLT consisting of neutropenia and rash degree experienced, respectively. The dose was de-escalated therefore mg m b.i.d. and the protocol ge be changed, by two additionally contain USEFUL doses. The modified protocol, a section boundary specific instructions for the treatment of skin toxicity Recorded using. With these guidelines explicit in the design phase I dose traditional relaunch find mg m offer for reescalation dose in mg m-offers and more, if they are supported by the data. None of the three patients in mg m b.i.d. experienced a DLT and the dose was increased ht to provide mg BID mm mg dose, dose-limiting grade rash was observed in six patients evaluable dose was underwater