Patients were not excluded for comorbid anxiety or depressed mood

Patients were not excluded for comorbid anxiety or depressed mood. All patients provided written informed consent in accordance with research guidelines for the protection of human participants from Xinxiang Medical University. Twenty-four patients were excluded and 113 were randomly assigned into three groups: pharmacotherapy (N = 39), pharmacotherapy plus CBT (PCBT) (N = 36), and PCCT (N Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical = 38). Five patients declined participation because they did not want to receive any treatment (Fig. 2). One hundred and eight OCD patients

were entered into the study. There was no significant difference between groups in gender distribution, marriage status, comorbidity of anxiety or depressed mood, age, age at onset, duration of Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical illness, and the Y-BOCS-SR score among the three groups. There were no significant

differences in medicine dosages among the three groups. The demographic and clinical data for the study population are shown in Table 1. Figure 2 CONCORT diagram. Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients Treatments To achieve maximum benefit, we did not designate placebo and CCT only. Medication for all patients was chlorimipramine (100–250 mg/day). After Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical six weeks patients were administered chlorimipramine in combination with paroxetine (20–40 mg/day; Yuan et al. 2006) if they could not tolerate the side effects of the higher dosage of chlorimipramine or if they did not benefit from only chlorimipramine (>150 mg/day).

Medications were prescribed for the patients by the psychiatrists, who were not involved in the psychological therapy. The CBT therapist and the CCT therapist were blinded Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to each other and did not participate in the pharmacotherapy. Patients undergoing CBT Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical received 14 weekly 60- to 120-min sessions in accordance with the CBT guide (Clark 2004), and then one or two phone calls monthly for nine months. CBT consisted of cognitive techniques as well as ERP with homework exercises. Although formal cognitive therapy procedures were not used, dysfunctional cognitions were discussed within the context of exposure. ERP involved graded exposures to both imagined and real situations that provoked compulsions, accompanied by prevention of compulsions or avoidance. Both in vivo and imagining exposures were conducted, during which patients faced their fears for a prolonged period of time without ritualizing. Patients were asked Idoxuridine to stop ritualizing after the first exposure session. In addition to their ERP sessions with the therapist, patients were assigned at least 1 h of ERP homework daily and were asked to record any rituals. The CBT therapists were trained and licensed in the Chinese–German CBT AC220 research buy training center in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, P. R. China. In this study, patients had been diagnosed before undergoing the treatments. CCT has been described in Chinese (Hu 2010; Hu and Ma 2011).

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