pneumoniae and the rgg gene for S oralis[24–26] In the current

pneumoniae and the rgg gene for S. oralis[24–26]. In the current study, the gene expression of S. pseudopneumoniae is determined and compared with those of S. pneumoniae KCTC 5080T S. mitis KCTC 3556T and S. oralis KCTC 13048T by in silico analysis and by in vitro transcriptome microarrays experiments using open reading frame (ORF) microarrays of Streptococcus pneumoniae R6 (GenBank accession number NC_003098) platform. Results and discussion Statistical analysis of microarray experiments We compared the expression profiles by hybridization to the immobilized probes on the microarray of S. pneumoniae TIGR4: NC_003028 with the total RNA of S. oralis KCTC 13048T, S. mitis KCTC

3556T, and S. pseudopneumoniae CCUG 49455T. Total RNA from the strains S. pneumoniae KCTC 5080T, S. mitis KCTC 3556T,

S. oralis KCTC 13048T, and S. pseudopneumoniae CCUG 49455T was hybridized to NimbleGen 3-MA price S. pneumoniae TIGR4: NC_003028 Gene Expression 4x72K microarrays. Each array contains 4 sets of strains, and each strain was compared with each other strains. Interarray correlation values (Range: -1 ≤ r ≤ 1) are shown in the upper right panels and pairwise scatter plots of gene expression values (log2) are shown in the lower left panels (Figure 1). A correlation value close to 1 shows high similarity between samples. This correlation value between strains S. oralis-S. mitis was 0.609, S. oralis-S. pneumoniae was 0.365, RG7204 price S. oralis-S. pseudopneumoniae was 0.375, S. mitis-S. pneumoniae was 0.438, S. mitis-S. pseudopneumoniae was 0.536 and S. pneumoniae-S. pseudopneumoniae was 0.499. Figure 1 Reproducibility and dynamic range with pairwise scatter plots. Four technical replicates of Streptococcus pseudopneumoniae, Histone demethylase Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus mitis, and Streptococcus oralis RNA were hybridized to NimbleGen Streptococcus pneumoniae R6 Gene Expression 4x72K microarrays. Interarray correlation values (Range:

-1 ≤ r ≤ 1) are shown in the upper right panels and pairwise scatter plots of gene expression values (log2) are shown in the lower left panels. So, S. oralis; Sm, S. mitis; Spp, S. pseudopneumoniae; Sp: S. pneumoniae Phylogenetic relatedness between streptococcal species Based on their overall genomic profiles, there was clear delineation between each Streptococcus species. The hierarchical clustering analysis from a normalized signal grouped the isolates mainly according to their phylogenetic relationship between each Streptococcus species. The clustering of S. mitis, S. oralis and S. pneumoniae, S. pseudopneumoniae strains showed two distinct branches, placing them in two separate clades that clearly differentiated each species group (Figure 2). The map shows the expression levels of the 1,123 probes (Figure 3). A total of 444 genes were upregulated (red) and 484 genes were downregulated(green) in S. oralis KCTC 13048T, 470 genes were upregulated (red) and 443 genes were downregulated (green) in S.

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