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Biophys J 2000,78(2):557–570. 10.1016/S0006-3495(00)76616-1CrossRef MAPK Inhibitor Library 16. Gunlycke D, Areshkin D, White C: Semiconducting graphene nanostrips with edge disorder. Appl Phys Lett 2007,90(14):142104. 10.1063/1.2718515CrossRef 17. Datta S: Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2002. 18. Amin NA, Mohammad TA, Razali I: Graphene Nanoribbon Field Effect Transistors. Advanced Nanoelectronics 2012, 165–178. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors’ contributions MJK wrote the manuscript and contributed to the analytical modelling of the presented FET via MATLAB software.
Dr. FKCh and Dr. MTA revised Everolimus the manuscript and coordinated between all the contributors. HKFA, MR, and AH organized the final version of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
“Background Coiled carbon materials exhibit a variety of unique characteristics, such as super-elasticity [1], wide band absorption of electromagnetic waves [2], and hydrogen adsorption [3]. In particular, researchers have focused on the preparation [4–9], characterization [10, 11], and growth mechanism [12, 13] of the coiled carbon materials because these helical materials are currently not commercially Carnitine dehydrogenase available and they possess great potential applications [14–18]. At present, artificial coiled structures at the mesoscale usually
have simple helical geometries of one-dimensional helical fibers depending on the growth condition such as temperature, flow rate, and carbon source. It was reported that several coiled carbon fibers (CCFs) can be obtained using appropriate catalyst on some substrate or with the help of electric and magnetic field. For example, Chen and Motojima prepared the carbon microcoils by the Ni-catalytic pyrolysis of acetylene containing a small amount of thiophene [19]. Three-dimensional (3D) spring-like carbon nanocoils were obtained in high purity by the catalytic pyrolysis of acetylene at 750°C to 790°C using a Fe-based catalyst, and the nanocoils have a tubular shape of diameter of about 10 to 20 nm [20]. Besides, the carbon nanocoils having coil diameters of 50 to 450 nm can be obtained by applying a magnetic field in the reaction zone or using sputtered thin films of Au and Au/Ni as catalysts [21]. In fact, Ni catalyst plays a significant role in control of the helical structure during the growth of carbon coils [1]. Though several methods of preparing nickel particles, such as hydrothermal reduction technique [22], electrodeposition [23], sol-gel process [24], and microwave irradiation method [25] have been reported, the agglomeration of the particles should be prevented or else this would result to the nonuniformity of the as-prepared Ni particles.