Six months later the patient had regulated diabetes. All defects were closed secondarily except for the sacral pressure sore which was treated as a chronic wound. Case III A 56 years old healthy male patient was admitted to the Urology department for elective right inguinal hernia reparation (Table 1). The urologists performed a standard operation of a sliding inguinal hernia on the KU-60019 manufacturer right side. Due to the weakness of the lower AW, the urologist reinforced the inguinal wall with synthetic Prolene mesh. Postoperatively, the patient showed a clinical picture of an acute abdomen. At this point, the urologists performed a revision surgery of the operated inguinal
hernia, during which they found only a hematoma, removed the Prolen mesh and performed adequate haemostasis. Unfortunately they did not notice the bowel perforation and did not perform an explorative laparotomy at that time. During the next 24 hours, signs of septic shock with crepitations on the AW and right flank region appeared in the clinical picture. Through the suture line of the inguinal canal a fecal collection was drained. Postoperatively, the
patient received a combination of Penicillin G, Clindamycin, Metronidazol and Gentamycin. The native abdomen x-ray showed air under the diaphragm. Magnetic resonance H 89 images provided dramatic find more evidence of an inflammatory process infiltrating the deep fascial plane of the anterior AW. Systemic manifestations of SIRS with body temperature more than 39°C, heart rate more than 100 beats per minute, breaths less than 30 per minute, PaCO2 less than 32 mmHg and WBC account more than 18 × 109/L with a high number of immature forms, hypotension, hypoperfusion with a high level lactic acidosis, oliguria, and alteration of mental status and consciousness were indicators of severe sepsis and septic shock. The anesthesiologist introduced a central venous catheter and started intensive resuscitation. The abdominal rigidity
suggested Masitinib (AB1010) a persisting peritonitis and an urgent laparotomy was done. Through a long midline incision we found a perforation of the caecum, necrosis of a great part of ascending colon, diffuse fecal peritonitis and signs of retroperitoneal NF. The surgical team executed extensive debridement, fasciectomy of the deep fascia on the AW, right orciectomy, right hemicolectomy, diverting colostomy on the descending colon and extensive debridement of the RS. The abdominal cavity and RS were extensively irrigated with hydrogen peroxide, saline and a solution of 1% povidone iodine, and drained on both sides. The structural and functional continuity of musculofascial system of the AW was obtained by component separation techniques (cite) and biological mesh. The wound was dressed with 1% povidone iodine solution. Dressing was controlled every 24 hours and serial debridements were performed.