Some restriction enzymes recognition sites were incorporated into the sequence of primers. The primers and plasmids used in this work are listed in Table 1 and 2, respectively. To engineer various rpoB genes of M. tuberculosis controlled HM781-36B by a natural promoter, a basal pRpoZero vector was
constructed (Fig. 1). The vector contained the 5′ end of rpoB until a natural BstEII restriction enzyme recognition site (681 plus 950 bp of upstream region) which was connected to the 3′ fragment of the gene starting with a natural BstEII restriction enzyme recognition site (1122 plus 218 bp of downstream region). The resultant construct was used for cloning of the inner BstEII-BstEII fragment (1716 bp) of rpoB genes from various M. tuberculosis clinical strains resistant to RMP. The correct orientation of cloned BstEII fragments was verified by digestion with PvuII endonuclease. Next, the
cloned genes controlled by their natural promoter, carrying given mutations or wild type sequence in the hot spot HMPL-504 mw region were relocated into the pMV306 integration vector. The resultant constructs (pMRP1-9) were electrotransformed into RMP susceptible strains, and the integration of DNA was monitored by Km selection and verified by PCR. Alternatively, the investigated find more rpoB genes were relocated without putative promoter sequence into pMV306P hsp integration vector under control of strong promoter (P hsp65). The resultant constructs (pMHRP1-9) were electrotransformed Progesterone into RMP susceptible strains, and the integration of DNA was monitored by Hyg selection and verified by PCR. Figure 1 Construction strategy of integration (pMRP1-9; pMHRP1-9) and self-replicating (pMERP1-9) plasmids carrying wild type and mutated rpoB genes under control of own (pMRP1-9) and heat shock
(pMHRP1-9; pMERP1-9) promoter. Description in the text. Table 1 Primer sequences used for PCR amplification Amplified region Primer Sequence Product size (bp) promoter region (950 bp) and 5′ part of rpoB gene (721 bp) P-rpo-s 5′-tctagacgagagcggcggtgcaatc 1671 P-rpo-r 5′-gctcgctggtccagcccagc 3′ part of rpoB gene (1258 bp) and downstream region (218 bp) 3′rpo-s 5′-cgacaccaagctgggtgcgg 1476 3′rpo-r 5′-aagcttccagtcgcgagtcggcccg BstEII fragment of rpoB gene including 81-bp hot spot region bst-s 5′-cgcgacaccgtcggcgtgcg 1852 bst-r 5′-aagtgtcgcgcacctcgcgggc pMV306 (221 bp) and insert DNA cloned in MCS of this vector MV-r 5′-aaggcccagtctttcgactgagc 221 + insert MV-s 5′-gtggataaccgtattaccgcc DNA Table 2 Plasmids used in this study Plasmid Description Source Cloning vectors pGemTEasy T/A cloning Promega pMV306H mycobacterial integrating vector, HygR Med-Immune Inc. pMV306K mycobacterial integrating vector, KanR Med-Immune Inc. pMV261 mycobacterial Escherichia coli shuttle vector, carrying heat shock (P hsp65) promoter, KmR Med-Immune Inc. RpoB expression vectors pMRP1 wild type rpoB of M.