The consensus of LxxLxCxxNxLxxLDLxxNxx in which “”L”" at position

The consensus of LxxLxCxxNxLxxLDLxxNxx in which “”L”" at position 16 is more frequently occupied by Val or Ile than by Leu is observed in some proteins. They include Listeria lmo0331 homologs, CHU_0515 from Cytophaga find protocol hutchinsonii and PORUE0001_1723 from Porphyromonas uenonis 60-3 (Figure 1G). Also, the GANT61 mouse pattern of LxxLxCxxNxLxxLDLxxLxx is observed in TDE_0593, TDE_2231, and TDE_2003 from Treponema denticola (Figure 1H, and Additional file 2, Figure S1). Moreover, the pattern of LxxLxCxxNxLxxLDLxxVxx is observed in Pnap_3264 from Polaromonas naphthalenivorans

and MldDRAFT_4836 from Delta proteobacterium MLMS-1 (Figures 1I and 1J, and Additional file 2, Figure S1). The coexistence of the first and the second subtypes is observed in the LRR domains in at least six IRREKO@LRR proteins. They include KAOT1_04155 from Kordia algicida OT-1, COPEUT_03021 from Coprococcus eutactus ATCC 27759, Fjoh_1188/FjohDRAFT_4748 and Fjoh_1189/FjohDRAFT_4747 from Flavobacterium johnsoniae, RUMGNA_03120 from Ruminococcus gnavus ATCC 29149, DORFOR_03338 from Dorea formicigenerans ATCC 27755, and internain-J homologs from eleven Listeria monocytogenes strains (Figures 1K and 1L, and Additional file 2, Figure S1). Nested periodicity of IRREKO@LRRs IRREKO@LRRs show a characteristic, nested periodicity; the domains consist of alternating 10- and 11- residue units of LxxLxLxxNx(x/-).

To confirm this periodic nesting we performed detailed sequence analysis of IRREKO@LRR selleck compound proteins using dot plots analysis and a radar chart analysis. Self dot plots were performed for four IRRECO@LRR proteins – BIFLAC_05879 from Bifidobacterium animalis, A1Q_3393 from Vibrio harveyi HY01, lmo0331 protein from Listeria monocytogenes and an internalin-related protein, TDE_0593, from Treponema denticola – (Additional file 3, Figure S2). The self dot plots indicate that these proteins demonstrate tandem repeats of short residues that is ~10-11 residues long,

in addition to tandem repeats of IRRECO@LRR with 21 residues. Radar charts were drawn for three families of IRREKO@LRRs proteins, in which second the occurrence frequency of amino acids is compared between positions 1-10 and positions 11-21. Figure 2A shows a radar chart of Vibrio proteins. Seven Vibrio species encode twelve IRREKO@LRR proteins which are potential homologs (Additional file 1, Table 1). The IRREKO@LRRs domains in their proteins contain 158 LRR repeats. One hundred thirty-seven of the 158 repeats are complete “”IRREKO”" domains with 21 residues. The radar chart of the 137 LRRs is shown in Figure 2. As expected, “”L”" at positions 1, 4, and 6 is highly conserved with positions 11, 14 and 16, respectively. In addition, a significant, weak conservation is observed between positions 10 and 21 but not 20, because amino acid distribution of positions 10 and 21 is very similar and are relatively rich in Lys, Asn and Gln.

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