These forests are an important buffer against excessive drying in Amazonia (Nepsted et al., 1994; Salati and Vose, 1986). This complex construct of people and nature is a durable resource that could ensure the maintenance of both ecosystem services and a productive, globally connected economic system. After the conquest and colonization of Amazonia by Europeans, the types and scales of human impacts changed. Management selleck compound by colonial and post-colonial capitalist states has not been as broadly productive and sustainable
as that by the indigenous people. Hierarchical, centralized, and militarized colonial organizations took over after defeating the indigenous chiefdoms. forced acculturation and decimation of indigenous populations through war and disease led to abandonment of urban centers and intensive agricultural systems and retreat of populations from mainstream areas (Oliveira, 1994 and Porro, 1994). But creation and cultivation of the black soils has continued in peripheral areas under indigenous cultures and among rural peasant cultures. Manioc
produced by the peasants was one of the main sources of the flour exported abroad from the Brazilian Amazon ( Away from modern transportation networks and sponsored immigration, the cultural forests also remained Small molecule library a valuable economic resource of useful plants for both locals and exporters (Balee, 1989, Cavalcante, 1991, Peters et al., 1989, Politis, 2007, Thymidine kinase Posey and Balee, 1989 and Smith et al., 2007). The groves of Brazil nuts and fruit trees that had been
created at prehistoric settlements were still quite intact. The actively managed Acai palm groves at indigenous and peasant settlements along the Amazon estuary were important in families’ incomes (Fig. 15) (Anderson, 1988 and Brondizio, 2009) through intensive production for commercial urban markets in fresh and frozen juice, and the Brazil nut groves associated with prehistoric black soil sites were the main basis for Brazil’s export economy for decades (Smith et al., 1992:384–402). But governments organized and funded mass homesteading by poor migrants from elsewhere. In the hands of outsiders with little local knowledge and incentive for sustainable usage, cultural forests have been decimated by destructive harvesting methods. The international export trade damaged Acai (Euterpe precatoria) groves in the upper Amazon by cutting trees down instead of just the fruit bunches, and both Acai and Moriche forests have been diminished by cutting and burning for cattle pastures ( Anderson, 1988; Goulding and Smith, 2007:51–146). Along the Amazon mainstream, many anthropic black soil areas that peasants and Japanese immigrant farmers cultivated for the urban food market have now been bulldozed away for ranching and open-field mono-cropping.