These subtypes represent not only a different gene Rapamycin AY-22989 expression profile, but also unique responses to treatment and a sub type specific enrichment in mutations and copy number aberrations. We next sought to determine if any of these established molecular Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries subtypes segregated with the enhanced REST function observed in a subset of gliomas. In order to compare the overlap between the groups of molecular subtypes, we first had to divide the tumors into robust and reproducible groups delimited by REST func tion. To accomplish this, we made use of consensus clus tering, an objective method for dividing tumors into reproducible subgroups according to their expression of a geneset.
To divide outcome associated tumors from the cancer genome atlas database along the lines of functional REST levels we applied consensus Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries clustering to the REST gene signature, and 379 other genes that showed a very tight correlation with REST function. Using this approach, we deter mined that the TCGA GBM dataset was best divided into three robust and reproducible groups. These 3 groups displayed different levels of REST target gene ex pression and could thus be divided into REST enhanced malignancies, tumors with near normal expres sion of REST targets, and tumors with mid range REST target gene expression. When we compared tumor classifications we found that each of the REST defined subtypes was com prised of a heterogeneous mixture of classical, mesenc hymal, neural and proneural subtypes. Correspondingly, each of the four GBM subtypes was comprised of a hetero geneous mix of the three REST subtypes.
These results suggest that these tumor groups represent distinct clusters of molecular subtypes, each with their own unique gene expression pattern. The role for molecular Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries subtypes in cancer research has been expanding recently from helping researchers uncover molecular mechanisms of disease to aiding clinicians Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and patients in predicting disease course and response to treat ment. We sought to determine whether heightened REST function would similarly result in increased disease aggression. To accomplish this, we assessed REST sta tus in an outcome associated dataset of high grade gliomas. Upon stratification of the tumors into REM, near normal, and mid range REST functional groups, the patients with REM tumors showed a significantly more aggressive disease course than patients with non REM tumors.
These data suggest that increased REST function may be associated with more aggressive Carfilzomib disease and coincide with mouse xenograft data showing reduced survival of mice injected with High REST glioma cells versus Low REST glioma cells. Though the most aggressive grade IV GBM BML-275 tumors are near universally lethal, individual patient response to treat ment is quite varied, making the decision to undergo high dose chemotherapy over low dose chemotherapy a difficult one. To determine the susceptibility of each REST tumor subtype to high dose chemotherapy, we compared outcome and treatment profi