They nonetheless occasionally act as external experts at Council

They nonetheless occasionally act as external experts at Council discussions. Both are considered providers of information, but they can neither participate in deliberations nor vote during meetings. They are not directly involved, therefore, when a recommendation is decided upon by the Council. The Council pays considerable attention to avoiding any close links with the pharmaceutical industry. However,

members occasionally participate in the revision of regulatory aspects related ABT-888 solubility dmso to vaccines that come from the private sector including pharmaceutical companies, giving recommendations to institutional proposals. The role of PAHO is more significant, especially in the first stage of the work carried out by the Council members. This is historically based on the role PAHO played in Anti-diabetic Compound Library molecular weight initiating national committees on immunization practices in the region. Some PAHO national and international consultants are considered liaison officers. Furthermore, PAHO is the only external organization that can have a say in the agenda

by transmitting its own recommendations. Also, together with the EPI staff, PAHO members help prepare working papers and related documentation for the meetings. Most NCCI recommendations are based upon scientific data, particularly clinical trials. Use of an evidence-based process, regulated by ethical rules, allows the NCCI to develop what health authorities consider as important technical documents and gives the decision-making process greater legitimacy. Indeed, the NCCI provides a scientific basis for decisions that otherwise might be based primarily on political

or economic concerns. All Council members are doctors and do not have skills in health economics. However, economic evaluations have been taken into account when considering the introduction of new vaccines or changes that would increase costs (e.g. pentavalent vaccine DTP-Hib-hepatitis B, STK38 rotavirus vaccine and influenza vaccine). These formal economic evaluations have been undertaken in the country with the support of PAHO and WHO. In addition the Council accepts the results of economic evaluations done internationally or regionally. Economic evaluations done by manufacturers are reviewed and analyzed, but at the moment they are not taken into consideration because of potential conflicts of interest. The evidenced-based decision-making process of the Council could be further improved by increasing the number of meetings that would enable members to cover more material and enable recommendations to be made in a more timely fashion. Exchanging successful experiences with other committees in the region should also be considered. These are two strategies that have been suggested by the NCCI members themselves [7].

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