This line was also involved in development of a number of widely

This line was also involved in development of a number of widely grown varieties (Table 3) [29]. Most lines in each heterotic subgroup were resistant to common rust, but a few were resistant to CLS. The frequency of lines resistant

to GLS and southern rust was also low in most subgroups except for PB containing approximately 50% of resistant lines. Northern corn leaf blight and southern corn leaf blight are the most important diseases in the spring and summer maize producing regions, respectively. These diseases have been well controlled by growing CFTR modulator resistant cultivars [43]. However, more than 10 E. turcicum races have been detected in the northeastern and northern China spring maize regions, some of which can overcome the four known resistance genes [44], [45], [46], [47], [48] and [49]. Although half of the lines tested in the present study were resistant or moderately resistant to NCLB, identification of resistant lines with different Ht genes for resistance to NCLB and/or gene combinations using different races is desirable. This measure will facilitate the sustainable use of resistance to

NCLB in the field. Field investigation has demonstrated that strains with high pathogenicity occur in race O of B. maydis, producing larger lesions and severe leaf necrosis [50]. Thus, deployment of inbred lines resistant to epidemic and high pathogenic strains of B. maydis is an Caspase inhibitor important task in developing inbred lines against SCLB. The increasing importance of CLS and GLS in certain regions has required resistant parental lines. The results from the present study reveal a shortage of lines highly resistant to these diseases in the pool of inbred lines currently used in maize hybrid production. This situation renders commercial maize hybrids vulnerable to epidemics of CLS and GLS. There is an urgent need to deploy lines with high resistance to these diseases. Unfortunately, none of the lines was resistant to CLS, except for a few lines with moderate resistance. Only nine lines were resistant to GLS. Given that resistance to CLS and GLS was controlled by multigenes in a quantitative of trait locus model

[34], [51], [52] and [53], it is not easy to find high level of resistance to these diseases. A broad range of germplasm lines from various sources should be screened to identify lines that are highly resistant to CLS and GLS. Common rust was well controlled, with most lines displaying sufficient resistance. However, highly resistant lines are also needed in southwestern provinces of China, owing to severe epidemics of the disease. Compared to common rust, the proportion of lines resistant to southern rust was small, and additional work is needed to identify highly resistant germplasm lines. These are of particular importance in summer maize breeding programs. The authors thank Dr. D. Jeffers of CIMMYT for providing the protocols of disease resistant tests. Financial support provided by the Ministry of Agriculture of China (No.

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