We then adopted a strategy of RNA inter ference to inhibit ETK expression in two typical clear cell RCC cell lines 786 O and 769 P. Our results re vealed that cell growth, migration and invasion were inhibited after transfection with ETK siRNA, and cell apoptosis increased instead. ETK is a major regulatory molecule in various cell signal pathways, multiple mech anisms are involved in ETK regulated tumorigenesis. Ex periments have documented that ETK overexpression can increase proliferation in mouse prostate epithelium and result in development of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia by increasing AKT and STAT3 activity. ETK is an upstream activator of STAT family and links Src to STAT3 activation. In addition, ETK can confer drug resistance by interacting with p53 and inhibiting its nuclear transduction function in prostate cancer.
It has been reported that ETK utilizes both MEK ERK and PI3 K Pak1 signaling pathways in con cert to activate VEGF transcription. VEGF is both an ETK downstream target gene inhibitor and an ETK upstream activator, constituting a reciprocal ETK VEGF autoregu latory loop. These mechanisms may explain the inhibited function of RCC cells by ETK knockdown in our study. As a result, we hypothesize the VEGF ETK STAT3 loop in RCC. Since ETK knockdown can regulate the expression of VEGF and STAT3 in RCC, ETK may play a key role in the VEGF ETK STAT3 loop which might be helpful to the theoretical treatment of RCC. Like other cancer types, relapse and metastasis are the main causes of surgery failure in RCC treatment. RCC is resistant to chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy.
Patients with RCC respond to postop erative adjuvant therapy at various levels and usually cannot achieve expected outcomes. For metastatic or non resectable RCC, several targeted therapies, such as multitargeted tyrosine kinase selleck inhibitors and Temsirolimus, have been approved for the treatment. They target the VHL HIF VEGF and or mTOR path ways. Combination targeted therapy in advanced RCC is recommended. Even with improvements in survival, dis ease progresses in all patients. Resistance ultimately will occur after a few months or a few years. Thus, the identification and application of novel therapeutic targets for RCC are urgently needed. The phenotype of tumor metastasis presents with promotion of cell prolif eration, escape from apoptosis, and dysregulation of cellular adhesion and migration.
The invasion of cancer cells to surrounding tissues and spreading to distal sites rely on cell migration ability. In the present study, we found that ETK was highly expressed in about 90% of the advanced RCC patients. We stated that ETK ex pression was associated with high stage, bad differenti ation level, and metastasis of RCC and higher levels of ETK expression were associated with shorter survival time.