All GO terms below exist in the biological process ontology. For brevity, several other PCD-related GO terms are not shown: “”GO: TSA HDAC order 0048102 autophagic cell death”", “”GO: 0016244 non-apoptotic programmed cell death”", “”GO: 0010623 developmental programmed cell death”", “”GO: 0043067 regulation of programmed cell death”", “”GO: 0043069 negative regulation
of programmed cell death”", “”GO: 0043068 positive regulation of programmed cell death”", and “”GO: 0010343 singlet oxygen-mediated programmed cell death”". (DOC 33 KB) Additional file 2:”"GO: 0052248 modulation of programmed cell death in other NSC23766 cost organism during symbiotic interaction”" and child terms. Selected term information fields (“”Term name”", “”Accession”", “”Synonyms”", and “”Definition”") are shown for each GO term. Unlike the terms shown in Table 1, the terms included here are appropriate to use in describing genes in one organism whose products modulate programmed cell death in another organism. For more context, “”GO: 0052248 modulation of programmed cell death in other organism during symbiotic interaction”" can be seen also in Figure2, highlighted in black. (DOC 28 KB) References 1. AmiGO! Your friend in the Gene Ontology[]
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