The high prevalence of accidents involving road traffic has also

The high prevalence of accidents involving road traffic has also been reported by several national and international authors [15, 22–25]. Montenegro et al [27], studying mortality among motorcyclists in the Federal District (Brazil), found that over 70% of selleck inhibitor deaths occurred in hospitals. Furthermore they conclude that despite the severity of injuries, it is possible that the availability of emergency services and APH explain the lower proportion of deaths on public roads when compared to countries with disorganized public health systems.

Marín-León et al [28], studying the trend of traffic accidents in Campinas (SP-Brazil), Navitoclax solubility dmso found an increase of 241% in the fleet of motorcycles in little more than a decade, representing almost 50% of all fatal accidents on public roads in 2008. In the present

study motorcycles were involved in 32.8% of injury causes, rising to 56.7% when only road traffic accidents are considered, corroborating the above authors to conclude that multi-institutional actions are necessary to prioritize the prevention of motorcycle accidents. A recently published study shows that violence and road traffic accidents account for almost two thirds of deaths of all trauma injuries [2]. In Brazil, homicide is listed as the most common cause of death, closely followed by road traffic accidents (36.4% and 29.3% respectively, in 2007). Mascarenhas et al [29] and Gawryszewski et al [30], analyzing emergency department visits 4-Hydroxytamoxifen due to traumatic Thiamine-diphosphate kinase injury in the Sentinel Services of Surveillance of Violence and Accidents system (VIVA), report that 10.4% of patient visits are motivated by violence, which affects more men than women. They also report a fact that draws attention, which is the means of transport used to get to the hospital: 25.2% of patients used

private vehicles, and only 19.9% used a SAMU vehicle. Also in relation to causes of injury, this study observed that 25.8% of patients were victims of falls, mostly being attended by SAMU. It is a fact that falls, and the resulting injuries, are more common among the elderly. Mello and Moyses [31], studying violence and accidents among the elderly, found in Curitiba (PR-Brazil) a prevalence of 22.5% of calls outs involving elderly patients, and that of these, 3.6% were victims of external causes. Analyzing the pre-hospital transport systems, statistical differences were obtained for all the calculated times, with the CB showing shorter times in all the measurements (p<0.05). In fact, according to the working philosophy of this institution, these findings are within the expected range. The CB is heavily influenced by the North American system, which operates according to a working proposal of minimal intervention and maximum speed of transport.

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