Additionally, a study of treatment of various vaginal infections

Additionally, a study of treatment of various vaginal infections in HIV+ participants revealed a significant reduction of HIV-1 RNA in vaginal secretions following treatment

of Tv [37] and a decrease in frequency of viral shedding 3 months after treatment [8]. Overall, since Tv infections have a greater propensity to be present Doxorubicin supplier in HIV+ individuals and viral loads are increased in this scenario it is important to diagnose and treat Tv infections in HIV+ individuals to reduce the probability of HIV transmission. Current treatment for cases of Tv is either a single 2 mg oral dose of metronidazole or a 2 mg oral dose of tinidazole [38]. Metronidazole and tinidazole are nitroimidazole compounds that are taken up by Tv as a prodrug by passive diffusion and activated by non-enzymatic reduction in the hydrogenosome, the Tv equivalent of a mitochondrion. Toxic nitro-radical molecules are produced that

likely interfere with proteins and protein trafficking [39]. Unfortunately, metronidazole resistance has been detected as early as 1959 and is currently found in 2.5–10% of isolates tested [40], [41], [42] and [43]. This value may be underreported given the number of untreated infections and the fact that in some infections the disease becomes subclinical Rapamycin nmr despite treatment [44] and [45]. Metronidazole resistance and high probability of asymptomatic reinfection up to one year following treatment are strong reasons for a prevention approach using vaccination [24]. Diagnostic tools for Tv have improved significantly in the last decade, but are not affordable for low economic regions which also have the highest Tv burden of disease. Wet mount examination and culture (InPouch TV) have been the standard diagnostic tool for detection of Tv. Low sensitivity and enough lack of use in asymptomatic individuals has created an enormous disparity between the number of detected infections and the number of actual infections [46]. In a study of 280 male partners of Tv infected women, 205 (73.2%) of men were Tv infected determined by at least one positive test (urethral

swab, urine or semen culture, or urine or semen PCR). Wet mount is not applicable for male Tv testing and in this study culture only identified 46/205 (22.5%) infections, while PCR identified 201/205 (98%) infections. Furthermore, the majority of males were asymptomatic, thus a lower parasite burden caused difficulty in detecting the infection through culture, based on a minimum number of Tv organisms required for positive culture. However, PCR detects Tv with very few trichomonads in a sample [14] explaining the improved sensitivity of the testing. Transcription mediated amplification (TMA) is a recently FDA approved diagnostic method (APTIMA TV TMA) with high sensitivity in both males and females from various sample sources.

EV71-neutralizing antibodies were assayed ten consecutive times b

EV71-neutralizing antibodies were assayed ten consecutive times by each laboratory. To reduce intra- and inter-lab discrepancy, strict adherence to the same SOP was followed in all four labs. Calibration data from all labs were collected by Lab 1. One sample was screened

to determine quantitative standards. To further validate the accuracy SCH772984 cell line of EV71–NTAb analysis, negative, weakly positive and strongly positive sera were screened. These became the quality control sera. Three Labs (except Labs 2 and 5) were involved in the application of NTAb standards and QC serum with a common virus strain (A-01) distributed by Lab 1 (Supplementary Table 3). Seventeen serum samples from healthy people were assayed by three Labs. Test results were analyzed by Lab 1. According to the titer of quantitative standard, the titers of samples were standardized as NTAb units (U/ml). Deviation in NTAb titers before and after standardization of seventeen serum samples in different labs was analyzed. Three batches

of EV71 vaccine and each bulk solution from three different companies were selected. Based on EV71 antigen standards (1600 U/ml), the EV71 antigen content of each bulk solution was tested using Lab 4 EV71 antigen quantitative assay kit by the double parallel line method. Three batches of vaccine with equivalent antigen content (B1-1, B2-1, and B3-1: 324 U/ml) were diluted with 1.0 mg/ml aluminum salt buffer. Female ICR mice aged 4–6 weeks (provided by Vital Histone Methyltransferase inhibitor River Laboratories) were randomly divided into four groups of 15 mice each. Each mouse was injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with 162 U/0.5 ml of EV71 vaccine (B1-1, B2-1, or B3-1). Aluminum salt buffer served as a control. Blood samples were collected three weeks after primary immunization. Serum was kept at −20 °C for analysis. EV71–NTAb standards (1000 U/ml and three QC) and EV71 antigen standards (1600 U/ml) were provided by Lab 1. Antigen content was analyzed by multiple parallel line comparison. The statistical validity of parallelism and linearity of the assays was assessed by analysis of variance tests. Parallelism was further assessed

ADAMTS5 by comparing estimates of the slopes of the response lines across all assays. The neutralization titer of EV71 was defined as the highest dilution capable of inhibiting 50% of CPE. Neutralization titers ≥1:8 were considered positive for NTAb. Seropositive rates were compared by chi-square test. Laboratory means of neutralization titer estimates were calculated as geometric mean titers (GMTs) for individual assay estimates. For the statistical analysis of GMTs, the data were transformed using the log 10 of the original values and then analyzed with SPSS 10.0 software. This transformation was effective in stabilizing the dispersion and rendered the variances independent of the means. If the titers of neutralizing antibodies were negative, then they were assumed to be 1:4 for calculation purposes.

All patients treated at our institution and for

whom medi

All patients treated at our institution and for

whom medical records were available were selected for inclusion in this retrospective study. Initial locoregional staging included a clinical evaluation performed by a gynecologic surgeon and radiation oncologist (according to the 1995 FIGO (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) classification (7)). Abdominopelvic MRI was obtained for 168 patients (74.3%) and CT imaging for 160 patients (70.8%). FDG-PET (fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography) scan was not systematically selleck inhibitor performed, and no decision has been taken based only on its results; 148 patients (65.4%), mostly Stages I and II, with a good health status and without suspicious lomboaortic nodes at CT or MRI were selected to receive pelvic lymphadenectomy by coelioscopy first. Only 1 patient had a para-aortic lymphadenectomy. Nodal involvement was determined if histologically proven (65 patients) or suspected on CT (24 patients). All patients with positive lymph nodes, including IB1 stage, received first external beam radiation therapy and are included in the study. Stage IB1 patients treated with preoperative intracavitary PDR BT followed with colpohysterectomy were excluded from the analysis (19 patients). Institutional review board approval

was obtained for this study, and it was conducted in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration. All patients received 45 Gy pelvic external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) before PDR BT with a standard four-field technique (190 patients) Acyl CoA dehydrogenase or a two anterior/posterior opposing fields technique (36 patients) using high selleck chemicals megavoltage photons from a linear accelerator (photons × 18 and 25 MeV). EBRT included the para-aortic area when the CT showed enlarged common iliac or para-aortic nodes. When the nodal involvement was histologically proved or suspected on CT, a complementary boost irradiation was delivered after BT to reach a minimum of 60 Gy to the parametria and/or involved pelvic nodes and 55 Gy to the para-aortic

nodes, taking into account the dose contribution of BT. From 1999, based on the results of randomized trials [8], [9], [10], [11] and [12], chemotherapy was given during EBRT for all stages ≥IB2, with intravenous cisplatin 40 mg/m² once a week for 5 weeks in 150 of 226 patients (66.4%). Chemotherapy courses were not delivered during the hospitalization for the BT procedure. After EBRT, the PDR BT boost was delivered during a single hospitalization, using the PDR Selectron (Elekta, Stockholm, Sweden). At the beginning of the BT procedure, a careful clinical examination was carried out under general anesthesia to assess clinical response to EBRT. A Fletcher applicator was used, and no patient underwent interstitial BT. Pulses were delivered hourly during night and day. Before 1999, the BT treatment planning dosimetry was based on orthogonal radiographs, in accordance with International Commission on Radiation Units (ICRU) 38 (13).

This study examined the influence of semantic information on read

This study examined the influence of semantic information on reading aloud, and whether individual differences in the use of this information were related to anatomical differences in relevant parts of the neural circuits for reading. Effects of imageability on RT ranged widely (Fig. 1B), suggesting that skilled readers differ in the extent to which they use semantic information in reading aloud. This variation was associated with the

volume of white matter tracts passing through both the ITS, an area that supports lexical semantic processing, and the pMTG, an area implicated in phonological processing. A similar effect was found for the volume of tracts passing through both the AG, an area associated with semantic processing, and the pSTG, an area associated with phonological processing. Variability in how words are read is often attributed to use of different strategies

or styles; our results show that one type of individual difference, selleck compound Y-27632 cost in the use of semantics in reading aloud, is associated with neuroanatomical differences. Further research will be needed to determine the origins of these individual differences. There may be differences in brain development and structure that cause individuals to vary in how they read aloud. Alternatively, the neuroanatomical differences could result, wholly or in part, from experiential factors including the nature of early language and reading experience, and how reading is taught. The latter alternative is suggested by a study showing white matter changes associated with interventions for reading problems (Keller & Just, 2009). Further studies of this type using other methods in which participants acquire new reading skills (Bailey et al., 2004, Carreiras et al., 2009 and Dehaene et al.,

2010) are necessary, however. It may also be possible to track the development of these pathways in longitudinal studies of children who transition from pre-readers to reading (for an example focused on the pOTS see Ben-Shachar, Dougherty, Deutsch, & Wandell, 2011). The analyses we conducted were hypothesis-driven, testing whether individual differences in reading aloud would be related to neuroanatomical differences in connectivity between areas thought to be involved Celastrol in mappings between semantics and phonology, as indicated by other findings. However, the results are novel and require both replication (e.g., with additional subject populations, such as younger readers and adults who vary widely in reading skill) and extension (e.g., addressing individual differences involving other types of information and tasks, and in English and other writing systems). The main result concerning relations between behavioral and neuroanatomical differences is correlational, and the functions of the two semantic-phonological pathways are underdetermined. These are important directions for future research stimulated by interesting results in a promising new area.

After 10 min at room temperature the neutralized suspension was c

After 10 min at room temperature the neutralized suspension was centrifuged for 5 min at 30,000 g (2 °C) and the supernatant was used for NADH assay by HPLC. The HPLC system (Shimadzu, Japan) consisted in a system controller SCL-10AVP, two pumps model LC10AVDP, a column oven model CTO-10AVP, and a UV–VIS detector model LC10AVP. A reversed-phase column C18 HRC-ODS (5 lm; 150 · 6 mm I.D.; Shimadzu, Japan), protected with a pre-column GHRC-ODS (5 μm; 10 · 4 mm I.D.; Shimadzu, Japan), was used with a gradient from reversed-phase 0.044 M phosphate buffer solution pH 6.0 to 0.044 M phosphate buffer solution plus methanol (1.1) pH 7.0 at 0.8 mL min− 1. The gradient was (in% of methanol): 0 min, 0%; 2.5 min, 0.5%; 5 min, 3%;

7 min, 5%; 8 min, 12%; 10 min, 15%; 12 min, 20%; 20 min, 30%. Temperature was kept at 35 °C and the injection volume was always 20 μL. The UV-absorbance detector was auto-zeroed Stem Cells inhibitor at the start of each chromatogram and the absorbance was measured at 254 nm for the perchloric acid extract and 340 nm for the KOH extract. Identification of the peaks of the investigated compounds was carried out by comparison of their retention times with those obtained injecting standards in the same conditions, as well as by spiking liver samples

with stock standard solutions. The concentrations of the identified compounds in the extract samples were calculated by means of the regression parameters obtained from calibration curves. The calibration Enzalutamide cell line curves were constructed by separating chromato-graphically standard solutions of the compounds. Linear relationships were obtained between the concentrations and the areas under the absorbance curves. Fed rats were decapitated and their livers removed immediately and placed in ice-cold buffer containing 200 mM mannitol, 75 mM sucrose, PRKD3 0.2 mM ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid (EGTA), 2 mM tris(hydroxymethyl)amino-methane

(Tris–HCl), pH 7.4 and 50 mg% bovine serum albumin. The tissue was minced, washed with the buffer and homogenized in the same medium by means of a Dounce homogenizer for lysing the cells. After homogenization, the mitochondria were isolated by differential centrifugation (Bracht et al., 2003 and Voss et al., 1961) and suspended in the same medium, which was kept at 0–4 °C. Oxygen uptake by isolated mitochondria was measured polarographically using a teflon-shielded platinum electrode (Clark, 1956 and Voss et al., 1961). Mitochondria (0.90 ± 0.20 mg protein/mL) were incubated in the closed oxygraph chamber in a medium (2.0 mL) containing 0.25 M mannitol, 5 mM sodium diphosphate, 10 mM KCl, 0.2 mM ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), 25 mg% fatty acid-free bovine serum albumin, 10 mM Tris–HCl (pH 7.4) and two different substrates in addition to various juglone concentrations in the range between 1 and 10 μM. The substrates were succinate and β-hydroxybutyrate, both at a concentration of 10 mM. ADP, for a final concentration of 0.

Mederacke et al chamaram a atenção, num estudo piloto recente, p

Mederacke et al. chamaram a atenção, num estudo piloto recente, para um novo fator de confundimento na medição OSI-744 supplier de DH por EHT. Demonstraram que numa população de doentes com hepatite crónica pelo VHC a ingestão alimentar

condicionava um aumento da DH imediatamente após até 60 minutos a seguir a uma refeição27. Nesta linha de investigação pretendeu-se avaliar o efeito da ingestão alimentar na DH duma população mais alargada, com condições bem estudadas por EHT e intervalos de fibrose presumida já estabelecidos (hepatite crónica por VHB, VHC e controlos). Sob o ponto de vista estatístico, a principal observação deste estudo foi de um aumento estatisticamente significativo nos valores de DH do jejum para o estado pós-prandial apenas na hepatite crónica pelo VHB sem fibrose significativa. A ausência de aumento significativo de DH no estado de jejum para o estado pós-prandial nos doentes com hepatite por VHC afasta-se dos resultados de Mederacke, o que poderá relacionar-se com o fato da nossa amostra ter um número inferior de doentes com VHC e, mais provavelmente, por usarmos intervalos de DH diferentes para fibrose presumida. Ixazomib concentration Como referido, adotamos os intervalos de DH dos estudos de Castera et al. para hepatite crónica pelo VHC porque estes mostraram uma forte correlação com os estádios de fibrose Metavir, com curvas AUROC variando de 0,79-0,83 para fibrose

significativa (F ≥ 2)16. Contudo, tendo em consideração que não há valores consensuais e que não foi realizada biopsia hepática, poderá justificar-se esta margem de diferença nos nossos achados. A repetição do teste após a refeição com variação possível de 30 minutos (intervalo entre 30-60 minutos após a refeição ligeira), em vez da utilização de um momento fixo, poderá também ter contribuído Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase para algum enviesamento. Uma justificação invocada para as variações na DH pós-prandial é o aumento do fluxo sanguíneo hepático após a ingestão alimentar. Três estudos, por diferentes técnicas, apoiam esta teoria30,

31 and 32. Estudos com ERM em indivíduos saudáveis reportaram que o valor de DH não se altera do estado de jejum para o estado pós-prandial33, possivelmente explicado por um mecanismo regulador em que quando o fluxo da veia porta aumenta o fluxo da artéria hepática diminui. Isto vem ao encontro dos nossos achados e de Mederacke, uma vez que não se encontrou diferença significativa na variação da DH nos controlos depois da refeição. Já nos doentes, mesmo sem fibrose significativa presumida (baixa DH), este mecanismo não parece funcionar de igual modo, conforme documentamos nos infetados pelo VHB e Mederacke documentou nos doentes com VHC. Poderá o processo inflamatório associado à hepatite perturbar os mediadores de regulação? Isto também parece diferente do que acontece em estádios mais avançados de fibrose.

g E  coli are defined by a specific die-off rate) defines the lo

g. E. coli are defined by a specific die-off rate) defines the location of the emission and the simulation period. The propagation of the particles with time is displayed and the

final result can be visualized in different ways ( Fig. 2). The information system provides additional tools to control and display the simulation process and its result. It is suitable for scenario-simulations and can serve as a decision support system. In the following, Selleckchem 3 MA we carry out scenario analysis on the potential impact of climate change on bating water quality, to show the potential relevance of these simulation tools. For this analysis we do not use the simplified online-tool in the information system but the more flexible original simulation models GETM and GITM. Climatic

changes during the 20th century and future climate change projections for the Baltic Sea region are summarized in von Storch and Omstedt (2008). Between 1871 and 2004 mean annual temperatures in the southern Baltic increased by 0.07 °C per decade. Precipitation slightly increased, as well, but the spatial pattern and seasonal varies. In the southern Baltic the trends indicate less rain in summer and more rain in winter. In future, the number of heavy precipitation events shall increase. The projected future warming in the Baltic is higher compared to the world-wide average. An increase in summer temperatures by 3–5 °C until 2 100 is likely. Projected changes in precipitation bear many uncertainties but trends towards drier summers and rainy winters are likely to go on. In the southern Baltic the total LDK378 nmr precipitation might slightly decrease or change not. However, a decreasing (increasing) riverine discharge during

summer (winter) (Graham et al., 2007) and an increased temporal variability of river discharge are likely. Heavy local rain events and river floods seem to have a higher likelihood in future. Water temperatures have a direct effect on survival rates of microorganisms. Decay rates strongly differ between different bacteria and usually show a fast initial Liothyronine Sodium decay, followed by a slower decay. According to Easton et al. (2005), the initial die-off rate for e.g. E. coli (Enterococci) at 23 °C is 0.503/day (0.359/day) and at 9 °C is 0.351/day (0.164/day). High temperatures reduce the survival of both bacteria in waters. However, it is well known that other parameters may play an equal role (e.g. Rhodes and Kator, 1988). Floodwaters in rivers, following heavy rainfall and run-off, are a major source of microorganisms and a threat for coastal bathing water quality ( Hunter, 2003 and Veldhuis. et al., 2010). At a beach after a rainfall, Scopel et al. (2006) observed 100-fold increased E. coli numbers with concentrations up to 4 500 CFU/100 ml. The following scenario simulations use E.

1B) There is bilateral clinodactyly of the fifth finger in both

1B). There is bilateral clinodactyly of the fifth finger in both hands. His feet were normal, and no other abnormalities were noted. Further investigation of this family revealed four more affected subjects. The detailed phonotype of the affected individuals can be seen in Table 3. Apart from SPD and clinodactyly, no other abnormality was noted. Direct HOXD13 sequencing revealed a heterozygous G-to-C transition in exon 1 at position 659 of the coding sequence in all the affected people of this family. This base change converted amino acid 220 from glycine to alanine. The same base change was not found in any of the other unaffected family members and in 100 unrelated healthy control

subjects (Fig. 1C). The G220A mutation is located in 48 amino acids N-terminal to the homeodomain

within Gefitinib purchase a region of the protein that has been poorly studied in previous researches [16]. However, an alignment of HOXD13 protein sequences showed that this position is highly conserved among many different species (Fig. 1D). Thus, this amino acid appears to play an important role in the structure and function of the HOXD13 protein. Luciferase assays were performed Cabozantinib price to determine whether the mutation affected the capability of HOXD13 protein to activate transcription. The luciferase reporter construct pGL3-EPHA7 was tested. A c.659G>C (p.Gly220Ala) mutant that converts a glycine to alanine was examined. Additional mutants were also tested, and c.940A>C (p.Ile314Leu), which had shown to affect transcription activation ability, was used as a positive

control. The results are shown in Fig. 2. Wild-type HOXD13 enhanced the activities of the reporters. However, the c.940A>C (p.Ile314Leu) mutant displayed reduced expression activation, as described previously [17]. The c.659G>C (p.Gly220Ala) mutant also showed diminished stimulation compared ZD1839 supplier with the wild-type control (only approximately 84.7% of wild type p < 0.05). Thus, our results show that the c.659G>C (p.Gly220Ala) mutation affected the capacity of HOXD13 to activate transcription. In this work, we report the identification and analysis of a novel missense mutation involving amino acid 220 of HOXD13 that results in a variant form of SPD. This mutation represents the substitution of glycine located outside of the HOXD13 homeodomain that causes malformations of the limb [18]. SPD, or syndactyly type II, is defined as a connection between the middle and ring fingers and 4/5 toes, and it is variably associated with postaxial polydactyly in the same digits. The malformation reported in this work presents only some of the canonical features of SPD observed in patients carrying polyalanine tract expansions and frameshifting deletions in the HOXD13 protein [19]. The proband showed bilateral webbing of the 3/4 fingers and clinodactyly of the fifth finger in both hands, but lacked the typical 4/5 toe webbing.

In general, dentine irradiation with a CO2 laser causes changes b

In general, dentine irradiation with a CO2 laser causes changes both Akt inhibitor to the mineral and to the organic matrix. Depending on the energy applied, carbonate can be reduced or eliminated and crystallinity can be increased.18 and 30 Also reduction of collagen content, loss of water and formation of amorphous carbon bands have been observed.35 It is, though, specially the reduction of carbonate and hydroxyapatite phase changes

that happen between 600 and 900 °C that have shown to be related to decrease of tooth solubility after laser irradiation.18, 30 and 36 These tissue modifications are temperature-related and not all laser irradiation conditions are able to cause heating exactly in the range to positively modify the tissue and turn it more caries-resistant. This may be one of the reasons why laser irradiation alone was not able to decrease demineralization in the present study. The decrease in dentine mineral selleck chemicals llc dissolution observed with the combined use of laser and fluoride is probably related to the increase in the typical effects of fluoride by means of laser. Fluoride interacts with tooth mineral in two different ways. One is through incorporation into the hydroxyapatite crystal

forming fluoridated hydroxyapatite, and the other is through the formation of a fluoride-rich layer containing calcium fluoride-like material (CaF2-like) over the tooth surface.37 The formation of a CaF2-like rich layer has been said to be the main factor responsible for caries reduction through topic fluoride application. Nevertheless these globules are only loosely bound to the dental structure and are soluble at low pH. Furthermore, a drastic reduction in these deposits

cAMP inhibitor is observed approximately 5 days after application.38 and 39 In the case of the combined use of laser and fluoride, it has been demonstrated that the formation of both loosely and firmly bound fluorides is enhanced by laser irradiation. However enhancement of calcium fluoride-like material (loosely bound) deposition through laser treatment seems to be more effective than the formation of fluorhydroxyapatite.19 Therefore it is reasonable to speculate that the temperature increase caused by laser irradiation may increase the stability of the CaF2-like deposits formed, and this may be one of the mechanisms through which laser-treated dentine is more resistant to acid dissolution than only fluoride-treated dentine. The 15% reduction of calcium loss obtained in the present study is rather limited if a clinical application is concerned. This would probably result only in short-term caries prevention or would require constant re-treatment. Therefore, the present results should not be understood as a direct clinical indication but as an orientation to further development of the laser parameters.

In the elderly other common causes for hypoperfusion of the retin

In the elderly other common causes for hypoperfusion of the retina are thromboembolic events [2] and [3]. As a tool for the detection of TA, high-resolution ultrasonography of the superficial temporal artery has had a significant impact, with a high positive predictive value for the diagnosis of TA (specificity of 91%). However, a missing “halo” sign, suggestive for Afatinib in vitro vessel wall inflammation seen on ultrasonography, does not sufficiently rule out presence of the disease (sensitivity 68%) and, therefore, superficial temporal

artery biopsy remains the gold standard in the diagnosis of TA [4]. The differentiation of embolic versus arteritic occlusion remains a diagnostic challenge in elderly patients with ischemic optic neuropathy, because symptoms of TA, such as headache and elevation of inflammatory parameters, often coexist with significant cerebrovascular risk profiles. Additionally, depending on the cause of occlusion, different acute management strategies need to be applied

quickly to improve long-term outcomes in these patients. It is evident that we still need additional criteria Navitoclax supplier with high negative predictive values to exclude the presence of vasculitis. In a previously published series of patients with criteria for TA and sudden blindness, we found a hyperechoic embolic occlusion of the CRA in the area of the optic nerve head, which could be used to exclude TA; we called this a retrobulbar “spot sign” [5]. Foroozan et al. published a series of 29 patients with acute vision loss irrespective of the criteria

for TA and observed this phenomenon in 9 patients with central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) detected by retinal fluorescence angiography [6]. High-resolution Resveratrol color-coded ultrasonography can also be applied to the orbit since vitreous gel does not lead to any significant absorption of the incidental ultrasound beam. Orbital color-coded sonography (OCCS) allows detection of retrobulbar arteries and veins in addition to an assessment of orbital structures [7]. An analysis of Doppler flow spectra further aids the assessment and, to some degree the quantification, of retinal hypoperfusion due to CRA stenosis or occlusion. Normal flow velocity values within the CRA have been established previously [8]. This is the first prospective study in which patients suffering from acute vision loss due to either thromboembolic events or vasculitic changes in vessel walls were examined to identify the frequency of the “spot sign” in these specific disease patterns. We demonstrate that OCCS can be used to significantly discriminate embolic CRAO from arteritic causes of sudden ocular blindness in the elderly. The study protocol was approved by the local ethics committee at the University of Regensburg in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Patients were first seen and screened at the Department of Ophthalmology of the University Hospital Regensburg.