Additionally, a study of treatment of various vaginal infections in HIV+ participants revealed a significant reduction of HIV-1 RNA in vaginal secretions following treatment
of Tv [37] and a decrease in frequency of viral shedding 3 months after treatment [8]. Overall, since Tv infections have a greater propensity to be present Doxorubicin supplier in HIV+ individuals and viral loads are increased in this scenario it is important to diagnose and treat Tv infections in HIV+ individuals to reduce the probability of HIV transmission. Current treatment for cases of Tv is either a single 2 mg oral dose of metronidazole or a 2 mg oral dose of tinidazole [38]. Metronidazole and tinidazole are nitroimidazole compounds that are taken up by Tv as a prodrug by passive diffusion and activated by non-enzymatic reduction in the hydrogenosome, the Tv equivalent of a mitochondrion. Toxic nitro-radical molecules are produced that
likely interfere with proteins and protein trafficking [39]. Unfortunately, metronidazole resistance has been detected as early as 1959 and is currently found in 2.5–10% of isolates tested [40], [41], [42] and [43]. This value may be underreported given the number of untreated infections and the fact that in some infections the disease becomes subclinical Rapamycin nmr despite treatment [44] and [45]. Metronidazole resistance and high probability of asymptomatic reinfection up to one year following treatment are strong reasons for a prevention approach using vaccination [24]. Diagnostic tools for Tv have improved significantly in the last decade, but are not affordable for low economic regions which also have the highest Tv burden of disease. Wet mount examination and culture (InPouch TV) have been the standard diagnostic tool for detection of Tv. Low sensitivity and enough lack of use in asymptomatic individuals has created an enormous disparity between the number of detected infections and the number of actual infections [46]. In a study of 280 male partners of Tv infected women, 205 (73.2%) of men were Tv infected determined by at least one positive test (urethral
swab, urine or semen culture, or urine or semen PCR). Wet mount is not applicable for male Tv testing and in this study culture only identified 46/205 (22.5%) infections, while PCR identified 201/205 (98%) infections. Furthermore, the majority of males were asymptomatic, thus a lower parasite burden caused difficulty in detecting the infection through culture, based on a minimum number of Tv organisms required for positive culture. However, PCR detects Tv with very few trichomonads in a sample [14] explaining the improved sensitivity of the testing. Transcription mediated amplification (TMA) is a recently FDA approved diagnostic method (APTIMA TV TMA) with high sensitivity in both males and females from various sample sources.