The remaining blood was allowed to clot
and was then centrifuged at 1500 g for 10 min at 4°C. An aliquot of the serum was used to measure serum glucose immediately after the centrifugation step; the remainder was then stored at −20°C for subsequent analysis. An automated analyzer (Beckman Coulter DXC 600, UK) measured the concentrations of biochemical parameters using the appropriate reagents (Beckman Coulter, UK). Glucose, uric acid, total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides (TG) were determined using an enzymatic colorimetric method (glucose oxidase, uricase, lipoprotein lipase-glycerol kinase reactions, cholesterol esterase-cholesteroloxidase reactions, respectively). Urea was determined using an enzymatic method. Urea is first converted by urease into ammonia which is then estimated by the reaction with α-ketoglutarate catalyzed by glutamic dehydrogenase. Creatinine concentrations were determined by the Jaffé method in which creatinine directly reacts with alkaline picrate resulting in the formation of a red colour. Creatinine clearance was determined using the formula of Cockroft and
Gault. [25]: Creatinine clearance (ml•min-1) = 1.25 × body mass (kg) × (140 – age (y)): creatinine (μmol•l-1). Sodium, potassium and chloride concentrations were determined by potentiometry. C-reactive protein concentrations were determined using a turbidimetric method. In the reaction, C-reactive protein combines with specific antibody to form insoluble antigen-antibody complexes. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) concentrations were determined by immuno-inhibition. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol GBA3 (LDL-C)
was calculated using the Friedewald formula [26]: LDL-C (mmol•l-1) = TC – HDL-C – TG: 2.2. The ratios TC: HDL-C and LDL-C: HDL-C were derived from the respective concentrations. Creatine kinase (CK), lactatedehydrogenase (LDH), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (AP) and γ-glutamyl transferase (γ-GT) activity were determined using an enzymatic method. Statistical analyses All statistical tests were performed using STATISTICA Software (StatSoft, Paris, France). The distribution of all dependent variables was examined by the Shapiro-Wilk test and was found not to differ significantly from normal. A 2 (periods) × 2 (FAST or FED) repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied. If a significant interaction was present, a Bonferroni post-hoc test was performed where appropriate. If a non-significant interaction was present, a paired or independent t-test was preformed where appropriate. Effect sizes were calculated as partial squared η p 2 to estimate the meaningfulness of significant findings. Partial eta squared values of 0.01, 0.06 and 0.13 represent small, moderate, and large effect sizes, respectively.